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COMMIPSIONER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Frida , July 21, 1978 <br />FLOOR DISCUSSIONS (CONTINUED) <br />Mr. Brownell: No. <br />M . Butler: Did I detect a hopeful note? <br />. Kagel_: No, it is not a hopeful note. <br />M-. Brownell: The project referred to as the "Mini -Mall" comes before <br />tie Common Council this Monday (July 24, 1978) evening, so that this <br />a propriation of $2,126,000, which HUD has issued a letter of credit for, <br />w ll be a part of the funding for the mall project. <br />. Nimtz: I believe that you have announced to that Mrs. Barth is <br />ing on to greater rewards? <br />Brownell: Yes. <br />Mr. Butler: It is terminal then? <br />Mrs. Barth: Yes. <br />Mr. Brownell: She didn't die or anything like that, she just got a new <br />job. <br />. Nimtz: I am talking "monetarily ". Aside from all the kidding <br />s. Barth, we are glad to have you back the second time, and we are <br />ing to miss you. <br />. Barth: Thank you. <br />My. Nimtz: Then, Mr. Brammer is leaving us for the St. Joseph Bank. <br />My. Lloyd Taylor has raided us for Mr. Brammer. Anyway, Mr. Brammer, it <br />has been good to have you here and we are going to miss you too. <br />Also, Mrs. Zimmerman is going to take Mrs Barth's place. Mr. Brownell, have <br />you approved any applications to take Mr. Brammer's place or not? <br />. Brownell: The Personnel Department included in their description of <br />job that the applicant must possess a real estate salesman's license. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Mr. Brownell has talked to me about this. The Personnel Depart- <br />me it published a notice concerning Mr. Brammer's replacement, and they did <br />in eed require that the applicant possess a real estate license; frankly, I <br />do 't think that the license is necessary, and I told Mr. Brownell that I <br />would like to discuss this with the Commission. Kevin, I don't know what <br />is necessary here, but I think we ought to direct the Personnel Department <br />that they readvertise...and delete that requirement; as I don't think it is <br />necessary to possess a real estate salesman's license. <br />