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COMMISPIONER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, July 21, 1978 <br />FLOOR DISCUSSIONS (CONTINUED) <br />Mr. Chapleau continued: They are aware that time is of the essence, <br />so as soon as the Court rules on it, if they assume jurisdiction, then <br />I an complete the brief that is. to be filed, -and they might have a hearing <br />on it. They don't have to have a hearing on it. If they decline <br />jurisdiction, then it will be heard by the Court of Appeals, and that <br />is as much as I can tell you. <br />Mr Wiggins: What is the posture of the Supreme Court at this point? <br />Are the members on vacation, are they back from vacation, or what. I <br />am trying to get some ideas of the appeal we might reasonably expect? <br />Mr. Chapleau: Well, as far as I know, they are in session. So, I don't <br />feel that is a problem. The Administrator, of course, is the guy who <br />carries the ball. <br />Mr Wiggins: You have talked to whoever establishes this priority and <br />that is as far as we can go with it? <br />Mr. Chapleau: Yes. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Anyone else have any questions they might want to ask of <br />Mr Chapleau? <br />Mr Scanlon (Reporter, WNDU -TV): If there is a delay longer than you <br />an icipate in getting this settled, do you think you might go ahead with <br />th acquisition with the case pending? <br />Mr. Brownell: Who are you directing your question to? <br />Mr Scanlon: Anybody, <br />Mr. Butler:. I believe at the last meeting we basically answered that, and <br />there is no change. At some point we are going to have to face that <br />question squarely, and the time has not yet come. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Anything further? Thank you Mr. Chapleau. <br />Mr Nimtz: Mrs. Allen, we welcome you. You haven't been here for some <br />mo ths, and we have missed your cheerie countenance. <br />Mrs. Allen: After reading your minutes, I really felt that I had been <br />Over it many times. I do have a question though. It is regarding this <br />"C ntury Mali" that you keep referring to, and I have never seen anybody <br />work quite so hard as you people have to try to put so many businesses out <br />of business. I would like to know why we can't go ahead and try to sell the <br />lard that is cleared now, and ask for bids on what you already have, because <br />YOL don't have any plans of any kind for the "Century Mall" as far as I know. <br />YOL have two men to acquire property, but you already have half of what <br />YOL want already cleared. <br />®i <br />