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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular leeting - June 16, 1978 <br />Page 11 <br />Chair: I think your first word is correct, I don't think we can direct Mr. <br />Ellison to do anything since he is not on our payroll but I think we could <br />respectfully request Carl Ellison to write such communication and clarify <br />this sit ation, I am sure Carl you would do that. Don (Wiggins) will you <br />second tat motion? <br />Mr. Wiggins: I second the motion. <br />When the Chair put the motion to a vote, it passed unanimously. <br />Ms. Derb ck: This letter from the woman -was she with the National Building <br />Trades? <br />Mr. Robinson: She is the Assistant to the Secretary of Labor Relations, HUD. <br />Mr. Elli on: I just want to say to the Commission that we will be very happy <br />to respond to Mr. Nimtz' request and in light of the nature of this problem, <br />I would like to do it through the office of the Mayor. <br />Chair: Carl, we thank you for coming down this morning and again you have al- <br />ways beel very cooperative and we appreciate it. <br />Mr. Wiggins: Point of order: we held up on item (a) under Old Business, pending <br />arrival f our counsel. Mr. Butler is here now. <br />5.(a) Chair: Kevin, are you familiar with the situation where there apparently <br />is a mix p on Resolution numbers? <br />Mr. Butl r: Yes, we simply want to correct the Minutes from the Public Hearing <br />portion f our meeting two weeks ago, to change the designation of the Reso- <br />lution from #552 to #553. <br />Chair: T is correction needs to be made in our Minutes and in the Public Hearing <br />record, is that right? <br />Mr. Butl r: Basically in the Public Hearing record, right. <br />Chair: D we need a motion to otherwise approve the transcript of the Public <br />Hearing -ecord? <br />Mr. Butl r: Yes, we will want "approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting <br />of June 1978" as part of that..the Commission should approve the record as <br />submitte . <br />Chair: o I hear a motion that we approve the transcript of the Public Hear- <br />ing held on June 2, 1978 concerning the Land Use Change on Project Indiana <br />R -66 and that the reference to a Resolution whereever made therein, be corrected <br />from No. 552 to No. 553. <br />Motion a� stated was made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and carried. <br />