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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular eeting - June 16, 1978 <br />Page 10 <br />Mr. Wigg�ns: What you are saying is that we need a letter from her to us, rather <br />than to he person to whom she did direct it, Bob Georgine? <br />Mr. Robi son: I don't think that is what he is saying, I think what he is <br />saying i that they have to tell Mr. Dew to get off "dead center and send <br />us anoth r letter that he will mind his own business. <br />Mr. Nimt�: Countermanding his previous letter. <br />Mr. Ellison: We don't want to tell HUD how to do their business but we do need <br />some official correspondence which states - directed to us, indicating Mr. <br />Dew's opinion is inaccurate... whether it comes from the Assistant. Secretary <br />of Labor Relations, the Area Director or whoever, it really makes no difference. <br />That is the only cleanly settle this matter so that we can proceed with <br />some confidence. Otherwise, I get nervous about what happens down the road if <br />we are n there and this question resurfaces regarding events..we should have <br />a letter which i.s directed to us here which clarifies or indicates a change <br />in Mr. D W's views. <br />Mr. Robi son: According to this letter, the inference was made they talked to <br />a Mr. Roi Gatton, Regional Director in Chicago and they have asked him to look <br />into the matter. If he has been looking into the matter, I would assume that <br />he would have the answer and I would think he would be a little bit higher up <br />than Mr. there any way you can check with that gentleman? <br />Mr. Ellison: We certainly can and I will be glad to. It is customary..the <br />way we h ndle a working relationship, to work through Mr. Dew or to assume that <br />based on that letter somebody who reports to Mr. Dew, if he is out of town, <br />but if tie Commission feels it is necessary to proceed with that next step, then <br />certainl . <br />Mr. Nimt : Robbie, this reminds me very much of a year ago on the Karl King <br />High Ris when we had a.letter from one end of the Department of HUD approving <br />the thin3 and another letter from the other end of the hall saying it was not <br />approved <br />Mr. Butlor: Actually it was the same office, just different people within the <br />same office. <br />Mr. Robison: Mr. Chairman, I might be convinced to withdraw my motion as Mr. <br />Ellison -equests providing we can make a directive to Mr. Ellison to contact <br />Mr. Gatt n and go one step above Dew because we are never going to get off of <br />dead cen er if we have to play the game of musical,chairs. <br />Chair: I have always found one Carl Ellison to be very cooperative - actually <br />we are i debted to him for about seven and one -half million dollars.. <br />Mr. Robi son: So I will withdraw my I would like to make a motion <br />that we ^equest or maybe I should say give Mr. Ellisondirection or instruc- <br />tions or whatever that he contact Mr. Gatton, Regional Administrator in <br />Chicago ind see if we can get this problem solved. <br />