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COMMISSIONER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, arch 17, 1978 <br />FLOOR DISCUSSIONS <br />(Questions asked of Mr. Brademas regarding his proposal): <br />Mr. Wiggins: (Referring to Mr. Brademas's drawing). Does that pink area <br />also provide access to stores in an interior mall arrangement? <br />Mr. rademas: Yes it does. This is a walkway here (pointing to drawing). <br />The entire basement would be excavated for storage space of some stores, and <br />for heating and air conditioning mechanical equipment. For example, a store <br />such as Hawley's Jefferson Book Store requires a fair amount of storage space, <br />whereas a store such as Berg's Jewelry Store would not require nearly as <br />much storage space. I believe that we can provide adequately for the <br />necessary storage space of these shops, and at the same time, have access <br />to a service drive, where trash can be taken out, etc. The pedestrians <br />would come out to Michigan Street and come down a walkway. <br />Mr. Wiggins: You mentioned a connector with the garage. Would that be at <br />the econd level? <br />Mr. rademas: It will be at the second or third level so that access <br />to t e elevator will be.easy. <br />Mr. iggins: So the elevator bank is at a corner in the garage? <br />Mr. rownell: And the foundations are outside the walkway? <br />Mr. rademas: Yes, I understand that, but the architect who has developed <br />this concept has not refined it as yet, and of course it needs some detail <br />and some refining. I think in terms of a basic concept, it is sound, and I <br />beli ve it is fully feasible. The financing aspect of it is particularly <br />attractive because we could finance housing for the elderly on a 40 -year <br />basis, and take advantage of the fact that 10% of the total area is a residential <br />area therefore, ten percent more may be added on for related commercial use. <br />We can get rents that will be achievable from stores, and we could get rent <br />that would be in the range of $8.00 per square foot. <br />Mr. imtz: When that garage was originally built there was a concepter's <br />plan for.... <br />Mr. Wiggins: The expectations that would tie into Wymans, yes....and since <br />it was built with that in mind, there is no reason why it couldn't be made into <br />some other building on what was once Wyman's property. <br />Mr. Orademas: I believe so. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Any further questions? .......Ms. Derbeck... <br />-12- <br />