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COMMISSIONER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, March 17, 1978 <br />FLOOR DISCUSSIONS <br />(Mr.lBrademas continues): <br />We believe, in the foreseeable future that the law suit, which is <br />currently pending, will solve a critical problem, and at the same time <br />add substantially to the character and strength of the City. <br />(He points to his drawings and continues discussion) <br />This is Michigan Street, and this is the parking structure back here. <br />This is the American Bank Building. The commercial would be on the ground <br />floor, and the housing on the top floors, and the parking structure would <br />be tied in here with a covered pedestrian walkway. Now I could go on for <br />some length and try to convince the Commission of the wisdom of this move, <br />but I think to summarize my own business philosophy... that I have always <br />tried to make an investment or spend my time in some activity, and to try <br />to maximize that one activity or one investment so that it will have a <br />snowballing effect. It should have an effect of multiplying in a sense <br />that it will do double, or even triple duty, and I think that is exactly <br />what I am trying to demonstrate here. <br />We hive the opportunity to bring life into downtown by putting some people <br />in tie downtown area after six o'clock. Many of these people will be around <br />62 y ars of age, very alert, and very active. Just because these people get <br />to b 62 years of age doesn't mean that they cannot provide and lead useful <br />and ictive lives, because my mother is 74 years old, and I have a time keeping <br />up with her. We need these type of people in the heart of our city, and this <br />prog am will make it possible. Now I am not suggesting that we take all the <br />downtown buildings and stack housing for the elderly on top of them, but I <br />do t ink there is a place for housing for the elderly in the downtown. <br />The olutions to the legal problems that the Commission is faced with should <br />be d ne in such a manner that it will be a positive thing. It is not a <br />matt ?r of giving in because you are faced with a lawsuit, it is a matter of <br />taki g actions which indicate to the community and indicate to the effective <br />people in the area, that this Commission is not here to just clear land and <br />make it available to some group who has not had their life invested in the <br />down own, but to indicate conclusively to them, and to the community, that <br />this Commission has compassion, and is ready to work to solve these problems, <br />and we would like very much to work with the Commission in this regard. With <br />that I will quit and see if you have any questions for me. <br />Mr. iggins: What access will there be for the tenants in these apartments? <br />How o they get into them? <br />Mr. <br />staff <br />we h <br />rademas: On the ground floor here (points to drawing). An elevator and <br />way would be the principle means of access to the apartments, just as <br />the in our apartments at the 100 Center. <br />-11- <br />