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COMMISSIONER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, arch 17, 1978 <br />DISCUSSIONS <br />(Questions asked of Mr. Brademas regarding his proposal): <br />Ms. Jeanne Derbeck: I have several. First of all you started a sentence <br />in your presentation about Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Hawley. You mentioned that <br />you couldn't speak for them but said that they had indicated......... <br />From there you went on with your sentence, and never finished saying what <br />Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Hawley had indicated. Had they indicated that they were <br />inte ested in this project, and would like to have new stores there... <br />is tat what you meant to say? <br />Mr. rademas: Yes, they have. And if I may, I will return you to <br />Mr. �ouglas Kline, who is their spokesman. <br />Ms. eanne Derbeck: If this project, that you are proposing, were developed, <br />WOU4 Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Hawley drop their suit? <br />Mrs. Brademas: That is correct, and if I may, I will ask Doug to say a word, <br />ash is their spokesman. <br />Mr. Douglas Kline: I talked to Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Hawley and they are <br />indicating a strong interest in it. They feel some discussions should be <br />made in redevelopment, in the city, and all the projects. I feel they <br />should all be put together and the timing has to be right. It can be done <br />very successfully and I think everybody comes out a winner; no one loses <br />anyt ing. They are not giving up anything. They want what is best for the <br />City too, but they don't want to be thrown out, and thrown out of business. <br />Most of those businesses will be torn down. <br />Ms. qeanne Derbeck: When you said that construction.might start in the spring, <br />did you mean this spring? <br />Mr. Brademas: Yes. <br />Ms. 4eanne Derbeck: Are you thinking of subsidizing housing for the elderly? <br />Mr. rademas: Yes I am. The section eight which is currently being built, <br />and hat was just completed at the 100 Center. <br />Ms. geanne Derbeck: Have you got a feeling that you can get that? <br />Mr. rademas: There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, that if the adminis- <br />trat on requests it, that the funds would be forthcoming. There is no doubt <br />in m mind at all. <br />Ms. 4eanne Derbeck: Do you think that it would take very long? <br />Mr. 4rademas: No, I don't think it would take very long at all. <br />-13- <br />