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Redevelopment Commission Meeting <br />Fri day, February 17, 1978 <br />DISCUSSIONS: <br />Mr. Nimtz: Is there anything further? <br />Ms. Derbeck: Mr. Brownell and Mr. Butler were saying that you thought <br />you could go ahead now with the appraisals, etc. even under the stay? <br />Mr. Nimtz: No, no. Absolutely not. The point is ... if the stay is <br />gra ted, we can't get appraisals, work on relocation, or anything; the <br />whe is stop. <br />Ms. Derbeck: I thought you said the stay was already granted? <br />Mr. Nimtz: A stay has been granted, but only until Monday, February 20. <br />Ms. Derbeck: In other words, if they don't put up a bond, or if a <br />bond is set.... <br />Mr. Wiggins: If Judge Miller sets a bond, and they don't come up with <br />it, then.... <br />Ms. Derbeck: Then the stay wouldn't be in effect. If the stay is not <br />in ffect, do you feel you can do all these things mentioned while the <br />app al is going on? <br />Mr. Robinson: Not necessarily. It would be up to the Judge and what his <br />decision is. He might not require a bond, and put the stay in effect. <br />Mr. Chapleau: If the Judge does not require a bond, and he grants the <br />sta , and makes it known that the stay is in effect, then it is our duty <br />as zttorneys for Redevelopment to interpret the law, and if we feel he is <br />wro g, then we have to make a decision as to whether we are going to direct <br />Redevelopment to proceed anyway. Whether we are going to go to the Court <br />of ppeals or the Supreme Court to overrule the trial court. There are <br />sev ral possibilities, and I can't tell you what we would do. <br />Ms. Derbeck: One would be to direct redevelopment to go ahead anyway; <br />to o to the court of appeals or the Supreme Court and to hear the matter <br />of he stay and for immediate hearing on the stay, or to do nothing and <br />obe the order. <br />Mr.lNimtz: Anything further? <br />Ms. Derbeck: Have you heard anything further about whether those women <br />are really going forward? <br />-11- <br />