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Redevelo�ebruary ment Commission Meeting <br />Friday, 17, 1978 <br />DISC SSIONS: <br />Ms. erbeck: From what you have stated, I understand they just change <br />the hole process. <br />Mr. hapleau: This is where the damage element comes in. When you <br />consider what damages we have already suffered. These include the <br />exile ses involved, plus any future expenses. <br />Mr. imtz: Of course Jeanne, we will know more next week after we learn <br />what Judge Miller's ruling is. Ed, how many days will Judge Miller give <br />for the bond to be posted, or is that automatic? <br />Mr. hapleau: I don't believe it is automatic. When the bond is posted <br />the stay then becomes valid. <br />Mr. imtz: First, we will have to have Judge Miller's ruling, and if he <br />directs that a bond be posted, and if the parties involved furnish the bond <br />or not, will be our decision in proceeding with the next step. <br />Ms. Derbeck: What is really happening, consequently, is that two very <br />small merchants have the possibility of wrecking this project? <br />Mr. Brownell: That is exactly right <br />Mr. Chapleau: If you want to say "practically speaking ", that is true. <br />But, you also have to realize that two small merchants have the opportunity <br />under our laws to have their rights adjudicated too. <br />Mr. utler: This is one of the few areas in which the small businessman <br />has a little bit of leverage. <br />Mr. iggins: However, we are saying that they ought to be responsible <br />for their actions; just as we are expected to be responsible for ours. <br />Mr. hapleau: The comment Mr. Woods made in saying that the bond was <br />astronomical, if you want to speak to that in terms of whether it is <br />astronomical on the face of it, depends on how you want to characterize it. <br />It ils astronomical, but it is absolutely necessary, and very reasonable. <br />Ms. Derbeck: I would say one could look at the possible total losses, and <br />the economics of future business in the City of South Bend. Five million <br />dollars would be a drop in the bucket. <br />Mr. Wiggins: This project means jobs. Actually what is transpiring here <br />is that it will establish the economic future of this whole area for the <br />next fifty years and conversely, if it fails to happen, it will also have <br />an adverse effect on the economy of the area for a long period of time. <br />-10- <br />