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Redevel pment Commission Meeting <br />Friday, February 17, 1978 <br />DISCUSSIONS: <br />Mr. Chapleau: This is another thing, we don't know whether they are <br />goi g to appeal this case or not. Mr. Tim Woods says he thinks they <br />are going to, but we don't know if they are going to or not; they <br />mig t not do it. <br />Ms. Derbeck: Is there more money involved for them outside of the <br />fiv million? <br />Mr. <br />Mr. <br />Chapleau: Right. <br />Wiggins: There is also the sale of the land. <br />Mr. Chapleau: The rule says "damages ", and I think damages would <br />include the cost of hiring these appraisers, who have already done <br />wor< and the other costs we have already incurred. It all goes down <br />the drain if we don't succeed. These are damages the poor taxpayers <br />pay. <br />Mr. Butler: If the Court of Appeals and /or the Supreme Court rule in <br />our favor, then by that time, it is too late; in that case we incur <br />dam ges. <br />Ms.l Derbeck: When is the deadline that you have to turn this over? <br />Mr. Butler: April 1979, is the deadline. I don't recall if it is <br />April 1 or May 1, which means that we have to have the property, and we <br />hav to have title through clerk's deed or deeds from the property owners. <br />Mr. Wiggins: That has to allow time for possible condemnation hearings, <br />and all the rest of that sort of thing. <br />Ms.l Derbeck: Which is a little more than a year away. <br />Mr. Brownell: The other item that appears with this is that the owners <br />of properties are calling us about completing the sale, and we can't go <br />ahead with it. <br />-12- <br />