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SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES <br />Page Four <br />December 16, 1977 <br />NEW BUSINESS (CONT'D) <br />Change Or er #2, Stickler Plumbing - Contract #CS -04A <br />1345 West Dunham, addition of $60.00 to replace water lines <br />to washing machine and lavatory, box them in and insulate them - - -- <br />Motion for approval by Mr. Donaldson, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried. <br />b) Proposed lease of Plaza Park to the Park Department <br />Mr. Brownell indicated that he was requesting permission of the <br />Commission to have legal counsel prepare a lease with the Park <br />Department and authorize its execution. The bridge has already <br />been repaired and the lights will be repaired by the Commission <br />as a clause in the lease agreement. Mr. Donaldson moved that <br />this be allowed and prepared, seconded by Mr. Robinson. Mr. <br />Robinson asked if the lease would have a provision that the Park <br />Department would take care of any further maintenance and care <br />of the park. He was assured such a provision would be included <br />in the lease. The motion unanimously carried. <br />Mr. Brownell announced the resignation of Christine L. Trippel <br />effective December 22, and indicated we are sorry to lose Chris. <br />Mr. Ni tz thanked Chris for her efforts and work, she will be <br />hard to replace and she has done a good job. <br />Mr. Br <br />and As <br />in Blo <br />a cert <br />commis <br />comp an <br />that t <br />the in <br />obsery <br />the wo <br />confor <br />this r <br />moved <br />by Mr. <br />7. PROGRESS <br />November <br />by John E <br />Programs. <br />and North <br />completed <br />inspectio <br />northwest <br />northeast <br />apply. P <br />reports b <br />wnell received a hand delivered letter from James E. Childs <br />ociates regarding inspection of the St. Joseph Branch Bank <br />k 6 for the purpose of enabling the Commission to authorize <br />ficate of completion. Mr. Nimtz read the letter to the <br />ion and the letter discussed the visit of the site in the <br />of the branch manager. Child's professional opinion was <br />e building is complete and in substantial conformance with <br />ormation shown on the plans and the specifications. The <br />tions contained in the letter were not intended to judge <br />k in any way with respect to the quality, correctness or <br />ance with code. Mr. Nimtz indicated that on the basis of <br />port we can issue the certificate of completion. Mr. Robinson <br />or the issuance of the certificate of completion, seconded <br />Cira and unanimously carried. <br />onthly progress reports were submitted to the Commission <br />Davis for the North and Northeast Housing Assistance <br />Rehabilitation is currently proceeding in both the Northeast <br />est Target Areas. Contracts 2, 3B and 5 are now all being <br />in the northeast and northwest areas respectively. Final <br />s totaled 29 in the month of November of which 18 were in the <br />area. Three homeowners were approved for grants in the <br />area and additional applicants are being processed as they <br />ogress is good in all areas. Mr. Nimtz directed these <br />received and placed on file. <br />