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SOUTH BEND R DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES <br />Page Five <br />December 16, 1977 <br />Mr. Brownell indicated that there was a request by one of the tenants <br />in the mall area regarding a letter explaining the time table of <br />acquisition. Mr. Butler is in the process of preparing a uniform <br />statement of information for all such requests which will be received <br />in the f ture. <br />Mr. Robinson asked Mr. Butler about a rumor about the appeal of the <br />recent court case against Redevelopment by Mr. Woods. Mr. Butler <br />and Mr. Chapleau both indicated they had not received any official <br />type of indication of a confirmed appeal request at this time. They <br />indicated that the statute allowed Mr. Woods and his clients 60 days <br />to appeal the decision. <br />8. ANNUAL OIGANIZATION MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION WILL BE <br />HELD ON ANUARY 3, 1978 at 10:00 a.m. <br />9. Mr. Donaldson made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Air. Cira, <br />the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m. <br />• <br />