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SOUTH BEND F <br />Page Three <br />December 16, <br />COMMUNI <br />LOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES <br />1977 <br />IONS (CONT'D <br />present acknowledged their approval of re- appointment. At this time <br />Mr. Nimtz entertained a motion by Mr. Cira announcing the date of the <br />Annual Organization Meeting of the Redevelopment Commission to be on <br />January 3, 1978 at 10:00 a.m., seconded by Mr. Donaldson and carried. <br />Letter dated December 13, from Choice Edwards, Acting Director, regardin <br />Project I diana R -66 Audit Report. <br />Mr. Brownell reported that this letter received from HUD indicated their <br />review of our audit report for Project Indiana R -66 for the period <br />ended June 30, 1977 was found by HUD to be in compliance with their audit <br />requirements. We are now allowed to proceed to pay the audit fee. Mr. <br />Nimtz directed that this be received and placed on file. <br />5. OLD BUSINIESS <br />a) Odd FeIllows Building wall <br />Mr. Brown 11 indicated that he had been informed by Mr. Bill Slabaugh <br />and Mr. J hn Leszcynski that there are some loose bricks on that wall <br />that should be removed as soon as possible. They ( Slabaugh and <br />Leszcynsk') are also working on repairing and fixing the wall on a <br />permanent basis. As an emergency matter Mr. Brownell would like to <br />be authorized to consult and hire a contractor to remove the loose <br />brick and remove the danger. Julius O'Neal is working in the area <br />and we mi ht be able to get Mr. O'Neal to remove the brick. Mr. <br />Robinson noved that Mr. Brownell be authorized to proceed with emergency <br />action to remove the loose brick on the wall adjoining the Odd Fellows <br />building. Mr. Cira seconded the motion, and it unanimously carried. <br />6.. NEW BUSINESS <br />a) Commis ion apg <br />change orders: <br />roval was requested of the following four (4 <br />Change Order #1 Siding Masters - Contract SWCD2 /PR /CS -2/09 <br />738 So th Phillipa, deletion of $80.00 - - -- Motion for approval <br />made b Mr. Cira, seconded by Mr. Donaldson and carried. <br />Change Order #3 Stickler Plumbing - Contract #CS -04A <br />437 Pu aski, addition of $119.00 to replace water closet clogged <br />with 1 me - - -- Motion made by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Donaldson <br />and ca ried. <br />Change Order #1, Stickler Plumbing - Contract #CS -04A <br />417 So th Harris, addition of $60.00 for a new kitchen sink - - -- <br />Motion for approval made by Mr. Cira, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, <br />and ca ried. <br />