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6. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) <br />a. (Continued) <br />Mr. Robinson: I understand, but if you are going to take the <br />money and put it in with someone not qualified really to do the <br />work, you might as well throw it out the window. I would <br />rather have them spend a little more money and get a qualified <br />job that is good for the inhabitant, than have a whole bunch of <br />jobs just because you want to scatter the money around. I <br />don't think that's the answer. <br />Mr. Crighton: The term "qualified contractor" is kind of an <br />arbitrary point to assume. We really can't say whether a con- <br />tractor is qualified or unqualified. If he's got a good record <br />and a good Dun & Brad, and he's able to provide us with hazard <br />insurance, he can bid on any of this work. <br />Chair: Apparently you've been getting some ripples and complaints <br />from contractors about the amount of paper work. Is that right? <br />Mr. Crighton: Yes. The Labor Standards Provisions requires <br />them to submit weekly and monthly reports and they have gotten <br />more complex. It is taking a lot of time and they have ob- <br />viously been passing costs on to us. <br />Chair: What are these reports, what do they consist of? <br />Mr. Crighton: They are primarily manpower utilization reports <br />which they submit to the Equal Employment Officer, Mr. Alford <br />(upstairs). This is a requirement under Section 8 of Revenue <br />Sharing, but it is not a requirement under Community Develop - <br />ment. The fact is, I suppose a very important aspect of this would <br />be that, (I believe it-was February 17 of this year) seven unions <br />signed an agreement with the National Association of Housing <br />and Redevelopment officials to work at rates less than the pre- <br />vailing wage rate under Section 8 housing. Section 8 is re- <br />quired, keep that in mind, to use prevailing wage rates, but <br />because of the problems they have had with construction, the <br />unions negotiated with NAHRO and they did reach an agreement. <br />I believe as of two days ago, six of the seven agreements were <br />signed. What it will mean is that they are reducing the rate <br />by 15 -20% in Section 8 housing. All the major unions were in- <br />volved. <br />Mr. Wiggins: Davis -Bacon establishes the wage rate per hour <br />that is paid to the various trades, is that right? <br />Mr. Crighton: Right, as far as prevailing rates are concerned, <br />yes. <br />Mr. Wiggins: Well, it establishes what the prevailing rates are. <br />Mr. Robinson: On a federally funded project, right. <br />