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6. NEWIBUSINESS (Continued) <br />a. (Continued) <br />all you are doing is opening up the door to give these poor <br />people who are basically having enough problems anyway. . . all <br />they will get is a cheaper, shoddier job by people coming in <br />here. The cash bond I agree with -- but the rest of it, I think <br />you are just defeating the purpose of the cash bond and you are <br />not doing the people of the community a service. <br />Mr. Crighton: If I might respond to that Commissioner Robinson, <br />the HUD regulations under that Section 605 refers to the actual <br />dwellings being worked on, not the size of the contract. I <br />disagree insofar as we will be getting unreliable contractors. <br />I think that the cash bond and the new bid procedure will <br />essentially be the same as we have now -- we have had a re- <br />latively low contractor participation and I don't think it <br />would get much worse. I think that the labor standards provi- <br />sions . . we have been following them on a voluntary basis and <br />it is costing us quite a bit of money. I am making this pro- <br />posed change with the endorsement of the Department of Housing <br />and Urban Development and the National Association of Housing <br />and Redevelopment. They firmly agree that since our community <br />development funds are less and less every year, we have to make <br />them go further. We have to be careful about how we spend our <br />money. It is getting to be a very difficult problem. <br />Mr. Robinson: Ok, you said paper work -- Davis Bacon isn't that <br />much more paper work than what normal paper work is because of <br />HUD money. I don't necessarily always agree with HUD, I can <br />assure you, and to me, if you are going to open up the possibility <br />that you are going to get more people -- let's say contractors <br />that to me aren't as qualified as the larger type contractor -- <br />then what you are going to do is eliminate that more reliable <br />type contractor of the community from even getting involved. <br />I thought that was the idea when you came in here before and <br />you were talking about using a block bid process so you could <br />get the more reliable, more reputable contractor, to bid on <br />these projects. I don't think you have given it enough time to <br />see if it is going to work because we haven't hardly instituted <br />the block process. They did once, but then they stopped, and <br />you went on an individual dwelling basis after that. I think we <br />ought to stop and not be pushed into something real quick, and <br />see how it is going to work on a block bid type thing, and see <br />what kind of contractors you bid on this work. I am <br />interested more in seeing that the people of the community get <br />a better job instead of a lousier job. <br />Mr. Crighton: Well, we are too sir, but we are also interested <br />in terms of how far our money will go and if we can realize -- <br />say a saving of 183,000 this year -- that is a rather substantial <br />saving. <br />-7- <br />