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6. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) <br />a. (Continued) <br />Mr. Wiggins: How big an area does this cover -- and how do these <br />rates compare with the . . . or, how are they obtained? Is this <br />an average of what is being paid in the area? <br />Mr. Robinson: Not an average, it is a survey conducted by the <br />Division of Labor. There is also a survey conducted by HUD and <br />we just got through having one of those surveys here on multi- <br />family dwelling and the residential field here. After extensive <br />research and a heck of a lot of leg work by a few of us, we <br />proved that at that time, HUD came in here and we got a fast <br />shuffle and we proved we were doing the majority of the work. <br />Evidently since we proved it and got the Davis -Bacon rates es- <br />tablished again - prevailing in our area and St. Joseph County, <br />to me they are now trying to come back at us again from another <br />angle. You bet I'm against it, because I represent a lot of <br />people that for years and years and years have fought like crazy <br />to get rates up so they could enjoy a standard of living to be <br />equal to the average citizen in the community, and now they are <br />trying to do something else and I am against it, period. I <br />realize maybe you're not supposed to show partiality in your <br />job, but we are all human and I sure do. Ok? <br />The Chair recognized Keith Crighton who wished to respond to <br />the above. <br />Mr. Crighton: We are not attempting to effect multi - family con- <br />struction or rehab, we are not attempting to effect construction <br />of new units. The fact is, this is the only section in all the <br />federally - funded programs in which prevailing rates do not apply. <br />This would be the rehab of single family units. It does not <br />amount to . . . for this year my budget will amount to about <br />$450,000 in this area that will be affected. This is hardly a <br />substantial portion of the construction that goes on in this <br />area. Our participation of organized labor in our contracts <br />has been between 25 -30% in the past six years, whether we had a <br />prevailing rate or not. It made no difference, we had organized <br />labor in our programs. Many of our sub - contractors have used <br />organized labor, but we have never had an increase or decrease <br />whether we use the prevailing rate or not. <br />Mr. Wiggins: How would this operate in respect to Mr. Alford's <br />office? Would he be out of the picture in terms of this type <br />contract Keith? <br />Mr. Crighton: Only in part Commissioner. We would still retain <br />the affirmative action monitoring, employment standards, working <br />conditions, and that sort of thing. It is the money end of it <br />that we are primarily concerned with here. It will reduce the <br />contractor paper work by about 50 %. <br />Mr. Butler: Keith, when is the other program, the block bidding <br />by individuals for each item, when is that going to start? <br />