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6. NEW IUSINESS (Continued) <br />a. (Continued) <br />W. Brownell read the letter from Mr. Crighton and also the <br />etter from Daniel B. Bowman, Director of Housing Production and <br />ortgage Credit Division, HUD to Mr. Morris Kaufman, Emerson <br />eighborhood Code Enforcement Office, Gary, Indiana. These <br />etters are regarding Davis -Bacon requirements for rehabilitation <br />ontractors involved in rehab of single - family detached homes <br />nd residential property for use of eight or less families. <br />eference was also made to a letter from Charles S. Leone, <br />eputy City Attorney of the City of South Bend. Mr. Brownell <br />hen asked Mr. Crighton if he would like to add to this infor- <br />ation, and Mr. Crighton replied in the affirmative. <br />!r. Crighton: Just briefly, a very important part of our com- <br />unity development program is the self - evaluative aspect of it. <br />n other words, we have the ability to change areas that have <br />roven to be inefficient or unnecessary. This proposal is part <br />f that self - evaluation process. I suppose the major points are <br />hat we will be able to realize a 15 -20% savings on each contract; <br />nd we should be able to further improve our production. We are <br />rocessing about two hundred applications now and it's very dif- <br />icult for us to get all of these processed and completed and <br />ave them contracted, if we are unable to have contractors bid. <br />n actual dollars taxpayer savings, on this budget alone, would <br />e about $83,000 this year. By eliminating the labor standards <br />rovision we should be able to realize that savings. In other <br />ords, that would be money we would be able to put back into the <br />ommunity. I realize that this may be viewed as a somewhat <br />rastic proposal, but I do. firmly believe it is a necessary one. <br />e have had a lot of probliems with contractors, as you know, <br />nd I believe the cash bond aspect will help, and I believe the <br />abor standards provision (elimination of) will also help sub - <br />tantially. The paper work has gotten increasingly more diffi- <br />ult, more complex, over the past year for contractors, and this <br />ill help them out quite a bit. <br />hair: The doctors tell me the same thing about filling out <br />apers for Medicare. They spend more time doing paper work than <br />hey do treating people. Does the Commission have any questions? <br />Ir. Robinson: Yes. I don't totally agree with that position. <br />[ think all you are going to do is open up Pandora's box and get <br />nore unqualified contractors when you do not have a provision <br />For protection in the Labor Acts and things like this. I don't <br />think what you are trying to achieve is going to benefit the <br />)eople in the community who are supposed to be getting the help. <br />Jhen you are talking about eight or ten family residents, I <br />igree. Now, at the same time, you are also talking about con - <br />;racts by block, so many houses to a block. To me, again, it <br />could be interpretation -- to me, this could be part of that 8 <br />)r 10 families just because of the way you are issuing the con <br />;ract, in a block grant. Whenever you eliminate some provision, <br />20 <br />