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7. NEW $USINESS (Cont'd <br />lump sum of $45,000.00. The documents called for specific unit <br />,ricer, and in talking to Mr. Kevin J. Butler, Commission Legal <br />ounsel, about this, he advises the low bid of $45,000.00 cannot <br />e accepted because.there are no unit prices in the specification <br />roposal and the unit prices are needed for payment under the <br />ontract. The next low bidder is Ritschard Bros., Inc., in bid <br />mount of $53,747.70, and they seem to be the apparent low bidder <br />ho bid in accordance with the bid documents. The only item of <br />rregularity in their case is that they had not signed the Section <br />, which is the E.E.O. section. In discussing this with Mr. Butler <br />nd with Mr. Frank Alford, who represents the E.E.O., we were advised <br />his is an irregularity that frequently occurs and which can be cor- <br />ected after the bid opening. Mr. Brownell advised he had discussed <br />his matter also with a representative from Rieth -Riley Construction <br />D., Inc., who would be the next low bidder, and they agreed that <br />t was an irregularity that could be corrected and would have no <br />bjection if Ritschard Bros., Inc. was allowed to complete the Sec - <br />ion 3 form. <br />. Brownell suggested that perhaps the Commission may wish to <br />fer this to Legal Counsel, or may wish to act on the awarding <br />the contract today. <br />President Nimtz stated that as he understands the situation the <br />1 w bidder is actually Jackson Wrecking Company at $45,000.00; <br />h wever, there is no breakdown of the various unit amounts which <br />i3 required by the bid documents. He stated he was advised that <br />Jackson Wrecking Company got mixed up on the bid opening date <br />aid submitted their bid in a hurry and didn't fill out all of <br />tie documents requested. The question before the Commission is <br />w ether to award this Contract to Ritschard Bros., Inc., the <br />n xt low bidder, or to reject all the bids and to ask for re <br />bidding. However, as all of us who were at the groundbreaking <br />ar the St. Joseph Bank site on Block 6 the other day know that <br />t me is of the essence and they are very interested in getting <br />that large area cleaned up and this is what this is about. <br />C mmissioner Cira added that Ritschard Bros., Inc. also has noted <br />t at they would complete the work in 30 calendar days, whereas <br />J ckson Wrecking Company noted 90 calendar days. <br />On motion by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried, De- <br />molition and Site Clearance Contract No. 39 was awarded to Ritchard <br />Bros., Inc., in bid amount of $53,747.70, and the President and <br />Secretary be authorized to enter into and execute said Contract, <br />subject to Legal Counsel approval and HUD concurrence. <br />c. Can e Orders to Contracts with Madison Builders, Inc., in the <br />N rthwest Community Development Housing Program: <br />1 ) Change Order No. 1 to Contract NWCD /PR /CS -1 /01: This is for CHANGE ORDER <br />an increase in contract amount of $32.00, for the installation 1 TO CONTRACT <br />NWCD /PR /CS- <br />8 <br />1 /01 APPROVED <br />- - <br />