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7. NEW OUSINESS (Cont'd <br />opies of the proposals were in the packets. Commissioner Cira <br />'eferred to the G. R. Nunemaker Construction proposal, stating <br />he firm just bid for the "Railing per plan" and if there is more <br />etail on this bid? Mr. Brownell advised the railing will be <br />recisely like the railing on the bridge, around the three sections <br />f the seating area along the edge towards the river, along the <br />dge towards the north, and one section along the west side on <br />hat seating area. <br />r. Wiggins made the motion to award this contract to the low <br />idder, G. R. Nunemaker Construction, for their bid amount of <br />996.00; said motion seconded by Mr. Cira. <br />ommissioner Robinson raised the following question: "I am not <br />ure the cheapest price is the best price. You got one in the mill <br />ere that's basically very explicit and what he plans to do; the <br />ther people you are buying a prig in the poke. It doesn't say any - <br />hing other than they are going to put up a railing. How do you <br />now you are getting the best price ?" Mr. Brownell stated that we <br />ill draft a contract. Commissioner Robinson further added, "At <br />ie same time, the man puts what he is going to use in writing. <br />iia states: 'Our quotation is based upon using pressure treated <br />)lmanized Lumber, and we plan to anchor to existing concrete with <br />ig bolts and shields of the diameter called for.' The railing <br />)uld be a lot of things." <br />C mmissioner Wiggins stated they all bid on the same plan. Mr. <br />G ne Evans, Executive Secretary, Civic Planning Association, in- <br />q ired, "What does the plan say; do we have copies of the plan? <br />I don't deny it is a good question; I was wondering the same thing. <br />M% Brownell advised the plan was before the Commission in a prior <br />meeting. We will draft a contract and have it signed by both the <br />contractor and the Commission before this can take effect, so the <br />contract will have all the provisions any way according to the <br />p an made up by our engineer. <br />R garding Commissioner Wiggins' question directed to Mr. Edwin <br />R. Bauer, Assistant Director, if he furnished the contractors <br />with a set of the specifications on that for the bidding, Mr. <br />Bauer advised all the specifications were right on the drawing, <br />a d in addition to these three contractors who bid, four other <br />contractors were asked to submit a bid and they chose not to. <br />These are all union contractors. <br />President Nimtz stated there is such a discrepancy here in the <br />bid amounts submitted that he is inclined to favor Commissioner <br />Ro inson's comment here, that there is so much difference here <br />in this. <br />Co missioner Wiggins referred to the engineers cost estimate <br />ba ed upon unit costs of the previous bidders indicates a cost <br />fa for range of $1,126 (low figure) to approximately $1,800 (high <br />fi ure), and he feels that it doesn't look like any big job and <br />co ldn't see the $2,000 plus figures for doing that work. <br />