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5. PUBLIC HEARING (Cont'd <br />a garden, and that is about all that can be done with it. We have <br />s )ld off some of these lots or the half lots to people who have <br />h uses next to them or have been rehabilitated in order to provide <br />tie homeowners a wider lot, or provide them with garden space and <br />t at sort of thing. We have done all this at a very reasonable <br />f gure to accommodate the people out there. What we are doing <br />n w is to finalize this project and to complete it. <br />Mr. Brownell said that we also built Beck's Lake sewer. Commissioner <br />W ggins added that we rebuilt Beck's Lake; it's not a retention <br />basin--it's been given a little different name, (Beck's Lake Secondary <br />Storm Water Outlet), but it is basically the same thing. <br />President Nimtz asked if the Commissioners have any comments or any <br />questions? There being none, President Nimtz then asked if there <br />W re any further comments from the public? There being none, the <br />Chair then declared the Public Hearing closed. <br />th the Public Hearing closed and no remonstrances filed, the Chair <br />quested the Commissioners to take whatever action they desire on <br />solution No. 535. (Item 5b). <br />b. Resolution No. 535: <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />CONFIRMING RESOLUTION NO. 533 WITH RESPECT TO THE LASALLE PARK <br />PROJECT, IN R -57, AND FOR MAKING CERTAIN CHANGES TO THE URBAN <br />RENEWAL PLAN <br />Wiggins moved that Resolution No. 535 be adopted, seconded by <br />Donaldson and unanimously carried. <br />6. OLD BUSINESS <br />None. <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO. 535 <br />ADOPTED, <br />R -57 <br />a. Plaza <br />Park Ra.iling Contract, Project R -66: Mr. Brownell advised <br />PLAZA <br />we <br />have received proposals from three 3 companies for the <br />guard <br />PARK <br />rails <br />at the west end of the pedestrian bridge, and we would <br />like <br />RAILING <br />to <br />get the rails installed because of the danger of someone <br />falling <br />CONTRACT <br />do <br />n -- especially a child - -to the concrete abutment which is <br />approxi- <br />AWARDED TO: <br />ma <br />ely 22 feet straight down. <br />Mr. Brownell said the design is a continuation of the design on the <br />bridge and this plan had been presented to the Commission earlier <br />as blueprint drawings by Mr. Edwin R. Bauer. Permission was received <br />to obtain informal proposals for this recommended work. Quotations <br />wei,e received from the following contractors: <br />G. R. Nunemaker Construction $ 996.00 <br />Muia Construction Co., Inc. 2,217.00 <br />The Hickey Company, Inc. 2,593.00 <br />- 5 - <br />G. R. NUNE- <br />MAKER CON- <br />STRUCTION, <br />R -66 <br />