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5. PUBLIC HEARING (Cont'd <br />e Michiana Area Council of Governments, at their meeting on <br />tober 13, 1976, reviewed and approved Resolution No. 533, and <br />received a letter from MACOG dated October 13, 1976, that they <br />prove of the changes in our Declaratory Resolution No. 533. <br />Today, we have the Public Hearing for consideration of the adoption <br />of Resolution No. 535 which confirms Resolution No. 533 with respect <br />t ) the LaSalle Park Project, Indiana R -57, and for making certain <br />c anges to the Urban Renewal Plan. <br />M3. Jeanne Derbeck, South Bend Tribune Reporter, asked to have ex- <br />plained in layman's language what we are trying to do. Mr. Brownell <br />advised, as explained in our meeting of September 17 - -at the time <br />Resolution No. 533 was adopted by the Commission- -that we wish to <br />delete 55 parcels from the acquisition list in the LaSalle Park <br />Urban Renewal Project, Indiana R -57. A number of these parcels were <br />actually dropped from the acquisition list several years ago, but <br />formal action amending the plans was not taken at that time. We <br />are facing the R -57 Project close -out and we are now trying to amend <br />the plan to formally delete these 55 parcels from the acquisition <br />list. <br />M . Derbeck asked why these parcels were being deleted. Mr. Brownell <br />r plied there were various reasons for the deletion of these parcels. <br />Ore reason was that HUD had requested the deletion of some of the <br />parcels where the condemnation action was requiring too long a period <br />ol time and HUD decided to get this Project closed out before the <br />end of this calendar year. Some of the parcels were deleted at a <br />prior date several years ago. Apparently some of the parcels were <br />deleted because they are on muck land and there was no desire to ac- <br />quire additional lots which were not usable for building but only for <br />gardens and other uses. <br />Thee Chair asked if there were any other questions or comments from <br />th public, or the Press? <br />Ms. Derbeck raised the question, "Didn't anyone know these were on <br />muck land before they started the Project ?" Commissioner Wiggins <br />advised that we re- claimed a lot of muck land and there is a fair <br />amount of muck that we did take that we set up as available for <br />ga dens that we turned over to the Park Department. That whole area <br />was a part of what was known as Beck's Lake or the beginning of the <br />Kankakee system. No one knew how extensive the muck was or how <br />deep it was until we had the contractor, Woodruff and Sons, to put <br />in some sewers and they took out as much as 60 feet of muck in some <br />places. President Nimtz added that she (Ms. Derbeck) may recall <br />this is partly what was wrong with Western Avenue for many years <br />th t had a wavy washboard effect, until it was taken up and the <br />mu k removed. <br />Co .issioner Wiggins further added that briefly what was done was <br />to salvage all that was salvageable, and the balance of the land <br />th re will be satisfactory for a park, a sodded grassy area, or for <br />- 4 - <br />