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4. CORRESPONDENCE (Cont'd <br />u have asked that I review my recent appraisals and make a study <br />the market in Block 6 to determine whether or not the values as <br />bmitted in my most recent Re -use Appraisal would be altered if <br />e uses of a portion of the land were to be changed so that a <br />tel could be constructed on a portion of it and 350 units of <br />using on another portion. <br />I have completed an analysis which is being submitted under sepa- <br />rate cover which indicates that under current conditions there is <br />n3 reason to believe that there would be any change in value due <br />t3 this change in use. <br />b. H <br />D Area <br />Office letter dated <br />September <br />30, 1976: This letter is <br />HUD <br />from <br />Mr. <br />Stephen J. <br />Havens, <br />Director, Community Planning and De- <br />CONCURRENCE, <br />v <br />lopment <br />Division, <br />advising <br />of <br />HUD concurrence in Change Order <br />C.O. #1 TO <br />N). <br />1 to <br />Plaza Park <br />Contract <br />No. <br />3, with Colip Electric, Inc. <br />CONTRACT 3, <br />PLAZA PARK, <br />E <br />ecuted <br />copies of <br />HUD 4217 <br />for <br />the above were enclosed with the <br />R -66 <br />1 <br />tter. <br />c. HQD Area Office letter dated October 4, 1976: This letter is also PROCLAIMER <br />f om Mr. Stephen J. Havens, Director, Community Planning and De- CERTIFICATE <br />v lopment Division, advising receipt of our Proclaimer Certificate NO. 10, <br />N . 10, Project Indiana R -66, and that they have recorded the in- R -66 <br />f rmation in their files. <br />4M . Brownell advised this Proclaimer Certificate was submitted <br />w th the updated Re -Use Values of the 18 parcels downtown. <br />On mofion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried, the <br />above letters were to be received and placed on file. <br />5. PUBLIC HEARING <br />a. Public Hearing of the LaSalle Park Urban Renewal Project, Indiana <br />Rt57, and for the making_of certain changes to the Urban Renewal <br />KUM <br />Mr. C. Wayne Brownell, Executive Director, Department of Redevelop - <br />m nt, advised Resolution No. 533 was adopted by the Redevelopment <br />Commission, on this subject, in a previous meeting on September 17, <br />1976. Since then, the matter has been before the Area Plan Commis - <br />s on and passed by their Resolution No. 40 on September 21, 1976; <br />b fore the City Council and adopted by their Resolution No. 535 -76 <br />or October 1, 1976. The Notice of Public Hearing was advertised <br />ir The South Bend Tribune under dates of September 29 and October <br />5 1976. Copies of the Notice of Public Hearing were also posted <br />ot the Bulletin Board in the County -City Building, Municipal Ser- <br />v ces Building, County Court House, and in the Department of Re <br />d velopment; and was also served on the City Engineer, on the <br />B ilding Commissioner, and the Superintendent of the Park Depart <br />m nt. The affidavits of the publication were available for examina- <br />tion at this Commission meeting. <br />- 3 - <br />PUBLIC <br />HEARING, <br />LASALLE <br />PARK PROJECT, <br />R -57 <br />