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7. NEW <br />Is <br />INESS (Cont'd <br />htis plumbing out, but does some of the actual carpentry work <br />h'mself. <br />M3. Derbeck questioned repairs to one house being $1,853.00? Mr. <br />J )hnson advised his staff goes by what the HAO inspection states <br />n eds to be repaired before the homeowner is eligible for HAO <br />a sistance. Mr. Butler advised the individual figures on the <br />HAD homes being rehabilitated are considerably lower than the <br />figures on other homes being rehabilitated in our other programs. <br />L ss work is being done on these homes as a rule. <br />O� motion by Mr: Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Donaldson and carried, <br />t e above Change Order was approved. <br />ange Order No. 02 to Contract SECD /PR /CS =3/23; in the Southeast <br />mmunity Development Program: Approval was requested of this <br />ange Order, for an increase in contract amount of $100.00, or <br />amended contract total of $7,772.00, for rehabilitation at 407 <br />st Ohio Street, with Area Services, Inc., in the Southeast Com- <br />nity Development Program. <br />M . Brownell read the memoranda from Mr. Kenneth J. Schaller, <br />P oject Director, and from Mr. James L. Johnson, Jr., Chief <br />I Spector, which stated the specifications called for the in- <br />s allation of the furnance according to South Bend Code. Although <br />tie furnace has been installed, the oil space heater on the second <br />f oor needs cleaning and the oil pump should be repaired. The <br />$'00.00 is noted on the Change Order for cleaning and checking <br />the oil space heater, removing the oil pump and calibrate it, and <br />to re- install the oil pump. The staff recommends approval of the <br />C ange Order. <br />Commissioner Wiggins said the amount sounds high; Commissioner <br />C ra asked why a space heater is needed when the homeowner has <br />a furnace? Mr. Johnson advised that some of these inconsistencies <br />may be the reason that particular inspector is no longer with the <br />d partment, for the same reason the original inspection calls for <br />t e installation of a furnace. This homeowner has a 1 -1/2 story <br />d elling unit and is using the upper half story'to house a tenant, <br />s she is actually trying to use it as a two -unit but upstairs <br />t ey only have a full kitchen and a bedroom. Therefore, the con - <br />t actor couldn't find any way of running the heat ducts up there. <br />T e Building Department had passed the installation for the struc- <br />t re without the heat runs up there because it is according to <br />South Bend Code. The homeowner had the oil space heater in the <br />u stairs bedroom, which is to heat the bedroom and kitchen. We <br />ran out of money to do it right and put in an actual gas space <br />heater so we are trying to repair what they had.Usually we replace <br />s ace heaters, but in this instance we do not have the money as <br />WE would run over the $8,000 limit. The tentative bid for the <br />c eapest space heater would be $345.00. As to the suggested <br />plug -in electrical heater, Mr. Johnson said that would be too <br />high in electrical costs, as it is a story and a half with no <br />-13.- <br />CHANGE <br />ORDER <br />NO. 02 TO <br />CONTRACT <br />SECD /PR /CS <br />3/23, AP- <br />PROVED, <br />SECD HOUSING <br />PROGRAM <br />