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7. NEW BI <br />JSINESS (Cont'd <br />were probably on the floor at the time of the inspection and <br />have come off since. <br />Commissioner Wiggins added, that part of the reason they pro- <br />bably came up is the fact that they have had water getting in <br />the basement and the whole area was damp and that would be <br />sufficient to loosen the tiles. This again is the nature of <br />the cause of the cure that you acquire here. You are talking <br />not only about fixing the cabinet but the kitchen floor, in- <br />stalling a masonite base, underlayment and tide on top of that. <br />Fixing the foundation and the two items amounts to roughly <br />$450.00. Sometimes water damage is a continuous thing and <br />not even know it is happening until at a later point it all <br />shows up. <br />President Nimtz asked if there is any further discussion on <br />the item; there being none, the Chair then asked if there is <br />a second to the motion. No second to the motion was forthcoming <br />and the Chair declared the motion lost for failure of a second <br />and requested the item be placed on the Agenda for the next <br />Commission meeting. <br />Commissioner Robinson asked if we could get the initial inspec- <br />tor on the dwelling here for the next meeting to explain <br />the inspection made and Mr. Pfeifer advised that inspector <br />is no longer working for the department. <br />Order No. 02 to Contract SECD /HR /CS -2/31, in Southeast <br />mmunity Development Housing Program: Approval was requested of <br />is Change Order, for an increase in contract amount of $175.00, <br />HAO House #31, (located at 617 Cottage Grove Avenue), increasing <br />e contract amount from $13,894.00 to an amended contract total of <br />4,069.00, for Contract Set 2/18 through 2/53, with Charles Brown <br />intenance Service, in the Southeast Community Development Program. <br />M,. Brownell read the memorandum from Mr. James L. Johnson, Jr., <br />C ief Inspector, dated October 12, 1976, to Mr..Kenneth J. Schaller, <br />P oject Director, which stated the specifications call for the in <br />s allation of a space saver lavatory, including hot and cold water <br />1 nes and shut -off valves. The water closet and the floor must be <br />removed in order to run the proper supply lines. Since the water <br />c oset is over 20 years old and in poor condition, it would be im- <br />possible to reseat the item without causing further deterioration. <br />Therefore the recommendation is that the subfloor, underlayment and <br />tile and the water closet be replaced. The itemized price for <br />t is structure, #31, will be increased from $185.00 to $360.00 <br />a ended contract amount. <br />e $175.00 is to replace the subfloor, water closet, and install <br />4" tempered masonite and vinyl tile, using waterproof adhesive <br />the bathroom, 30 square feet. <br />- 11 - <br />CHANGE <br />ORDER <br />NO. 02 TO <br />CONTRACT <br />SECD /HR /CS- <br />2/31, AP <br />PROVED, <br />SECD HOUSING <br />PROGRAM <br />