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4. CORREISPONDENCE (Cont'd <br />d. HUD Area Office'letter'dated August 19; 1976: This letter is FINAL <br />from Mr. Stephen J. Havens, Director, Community Planning and INSPECTION <br />Development Division, acknowledging receipt of the Contractor's SCHEDULED, <br />Certificate and Completion Affidavit for Contract 2, Phase III, 9 -1 -76, <br />Pedestrian Way, that we submitted with our letter dated August CONTRACT 2, <br />, 1976. PHASE III, <br />& DREDGING <br />Final inspection of this Contract and the Colfax Pier /Park CONTRACT, <br />Dredging Contract is tentatively scheduled for September 1, R -66 <br />1976. <br />Motio was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried, <br />that he above communications be received and placed on file. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />a. Change Order No. 6 to Rehabilitation Contract No. SECD /HR /CS- CHANGE ORDER <br />1/07: This item was tabled from the last Commission meeting NO. 6 TO <br />in which the change order request was for an increase in CONTRACT <br />ontract amount of $1,796.00, with the Slatile Roofing & SECD /HR /CS- <br />heet Metal Company, at 502 Sherman Avenue, for an amended 1/07 APPROVED, <br />ontract total of $5,812.00 for Contract No. 7, and original SECD HOUSING <br />ontract set total of $40,246.00 to be amended to: $42,042.00, PROGRAM <br />in the Southeast Community Development Housing Program. <br />he new Change Order No. 6, submitted for this Commission meet - <br />ng along with the memorandum from Mr. Ken Schaller, Project <br />irector, is for an increase in contract amount of $1,066.00, <br />Contract $4,016.00 to amended amount of: $5,082.0.0, for Con - <br />ract No. 7), with original contract set total of $40,246.00 <br />o be amended to: $41,312.00, with an extension of contract <br />ime for this portion of the work. <br />r. Schaller was requested to explain the reduction, and he <br />tated that, basically, the difference in price was the result <br />f a different type of roofing to be installed on the rear of <br />he structure. The contract had originally called for a 4 -ply <br />tandard built -up roof. However, after re- visiting the struc- <br />ure and discussing the situation with the contractor, we <br />ound that we can have a 90# rolled roofing installed at a <br />avings of $730.00 and not sacrifice a quality roof installa- <br />ion. Mr. Schaller had photographs of the structure which he <br />istributed to the Commissioners. <br />n reference to the questions asked by Commissioner Wiggins <br />n the roof, Mr. Schaller advised the rear portion of the <br />tructure would be reroofed with the 90# rolled roofing, and <br />hat the main roof would be 3 -in -1 asphalt shingles. They pre - <br />ently have T -lock shingles and they are starting to deteriorate <br />n the house. <br />r. Wiggins moved for the approval of Change Order No. 6, for <br />n increase in contract amount of $1,066.00, with Slatile Roofing <br />