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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Robinson and <br />carried, for the approval of Change Order No. 1 to Rehabilita- <br />tion Contract No. NWCD /PR /CS -1/05, for an increase in contract <br />amount of $619.00, with Madison Builders, Inc., and amended <br />contract total of $2,775.00, with no change in contract time. <br />7. TRIB�TE TO THE LATE DR. OLIVER C.- CARMICHAEL - RESOLUTION 'NO . 530 <br />The hair called <br />cern ng the late <br />the esolution in <br />W H <br />W <br />W H <br />T H <br />on Commissioner Wiggins to read the Resolution con- TRIBUTE TO <br />Dr. Oliver C. Carmichael. Commissioner Wiggins read LATE OLIVER C. <br />its entirety: CARMICHAEL, JR <br />R E S O L U T I O N N O. 5 3 — 0 <br />— — — — — — — — — — — — — — <br />E R E A S; <br />One o6 the guiding pt.ine.i.p.2ez o6 this nation <br />6&om its bounding has been that a2.2 men 'a/Le eteated <br />equal, yet there has aZways coexisted the paradox <br />that the imptementation of .indiv.idua2 oppottunitieA <br />and tatents has demonst&ated such wide vat.iance as <br />to occazionatty ptoduee giants among men, and <br />E R E A S; <br />The Redevetopment Commission o4 the City o4 South <br />Bend has had the &ate good 4ottune to have had the <br />4tiendsh.ip and whoteheaAted cooperation o4 such a man <br />in the pe&zon of the .late O. C. Catm.iehaet.. Jt., whose <br />genetouz eont&ibutionts o6 time, talent and coneetn de- <br />voted to the ptob.lem of uAban change have made <br />out present estate o6 ptogtess pozz ibte and out 6utute <br />pto,s pectz bA,ig ht, and <br />E R E A S; <br />Being m.indjut that a meazute o4 Mike',6 gteatnezz <br />was his devotion to his wi4e and 4am,ity who ptov.ided <br />his .inzp.itation and zuppoAt in 4u.12 measute. <br />E R E F O R E, B E I T R E S O L V E D: <br />That the South Bend Redevelopment Commission, in <br />meeting azz embled, publicly exptezz ens to the community <br />at latcge, and to the Catm.ichael 4am.ily in pa&tieulaA, <br />its pto found sense o 4 loss at the untimely death o f <br />OtiveA C. CaAmichae.2, Jt., and at the same time acknow- <br />ledge its thanks 4ot the unique and warm zuppott Mike <br />always gave and in token pledges to catty on and keep <br />his zp.itit alive in the zuccersjul completion o4 out <br />mutual goal. <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONERS <br />/z/ E. Jay N,imtz /z/ A. PeteA Donaldson <br />/z/ Donald A. Wiggins /z/ Robett J. Cita <br />11 - /z/ Lloyd E. Robinson, St. <br />