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6. NEW BUSINESS (Coot' d <br />tear the houses down and rebuild the area with new .houses on 60 -foot <br />lots and new utilities and everything new, but we couldn't get <br />that kind of funding. There wasn't a market for that sort of thing, <br />in that area, that would cause it to happen privately. The only <br />thing that could be accommodated for the people in the area in terms <br />of financing is what we are doing. We set up an area where the <br />houses were the worst and did an accelerated program of taking down <br />the houses that had no potential. The very things we have been <br />talking about here, right now. Where the building was so poor that <br />we would have to put more money into it than it would cost to build <br />a new one and those we had to wipe out. Anything else that has any <br />capability of being rehabilitated and provides a decent place for <br />people to live, within some kind of economic sense, is what we are <br />trying to do, within that area, and that is what the money was ap- <br />propriated for. <br />On further comments from Ms. Derbeck on the feasibility of invest- <br />ing funds in the area, Commissioner Wiggins stated that one of the <br />things we are faced with here is that the deterioration of housing <br />is not just simply a question of time and the elements working their <br />way upon a structure of the building. One of the real problems- - <br />and the big things that we tend to forget - -is that the neighborhood <br />is people, and it depends upon people's attitudes; it depends upon <br />a great many things; but it involves people, so that the media's <br />question of rescuing neighborhoods is not only rescuing the houses, <br />it's doing something with the people who live in the houses. If <br />this becomes an attractive area to live - -from the standpoint of it <br />being a friendly, warm, welcoming kind of neighborhood, then people <br />will want to buy property and build houses there to live. If the <br />area is run down, the media is right, the people will not want to <br />live there. One of the keys to this is what happens here with the <br />people of the neighborhood, not only being a party to, but being <br />a principal in making decisions concerning that neighborhood, will <br />be a determining factor. <br />Commissioner Robinson stated it seems as though the poor and unfor- <br />tunate type of people who are locked in this economic bracket, that <br />they have to have some place to live, and the price of an individual, <br />single family dwelling has skyrocketed to the point that a person <br />making a good salary in life is going to have a hard time to even <br />being able to afford one. "So, basically, I get back to my opening <br />question, 'What are you going to do with themV In essence of <br />doing nothing, you have to do something, and there is some place <br />you have to start. So I would imagine this is the thought and <br />trend in mind, in this organization, for this group of people." <br />As to a list of what is going to be done to this particular house, <br />asked by Mr. Caesar, Mr. Crighton advised he has the list if anyone <br />wants to look at the rehabilitation items--all of which are major <br />code violations. <br />- 11 - <br />