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6. NEW BUSINESS (Coat'd) <br />Mr. Dan Caesar, WSBT -TV Reporter, asked: "Nave any of the <br />Commission members ever gone out to the Paris Street area? <br />Have any of the Commission members ever looked at this house <br />at 409? You approve these things rather quickly here." The <br />Chair advised that he believes we have to rely on our staff to <br />do this. Commissioner Wiggins added that we have not only a <br />staff, but that we have a neighborhood Advisory Committee and <br />people who live in the neighborhood, who are familiar with the <br />place and who must agree that the thing is as represented and <br />is a fair deal. We have to depend on the people in the neighbor- <br />hood. <br />Ms. Jeanne Derbeck, South Bend Tribune Reporter, stated it is <br />hard to believe that any house on that part of'Paris Street <br />really is worth $8,000. Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary, <br />Civic Planning Association, asked Ms. Derbeck, "What is the <br />alternative ?" Ms. Derbeck said she didn't know what the alter- <br />native is, but "what are you going to have when you spend all <br />this money ?" Commissioner Wiggins replied that we are going to <br />have a place for somebody to live, and as to the $8,000 stressed, <br />he added that it would be difficult to provide housing anywhere <br />in town, and in this day and age that amount of money is not <br />high for decent housing. <br />On further comments from Mr. Caesar on the high amounts for <br />the rehabilitations and how apprised the Commission is as to <br />what is being done, the Chair replied we have had some dis- <br />cussions on this in the past, and the theory as to whether we <br />tear everything down in that area and just have vacant land, <br />or do we try to keep as many of the houses going as we possibly <br />can. As they stressed, the theory here is that if we can keep <br />people living in that area, that is the best thina to do, <br />rather than just to have wide open spaces of vacant land there <br />which would not be used for living purposes. <br />Further lengthy discussions ensued on the controversial subject. <br />Commissioner Wiggins stressed to the flews Media that they should <br />recall the fact that the Redevelopment Commission made attempts <br />to get several different types of projects into the Southeast <br />area over a period of years, and many of them met with failure <br />on our part to get the Federal Government to finance the projects <br />that we had proposed or that had been proposed for us by con- <br />sultants, or experts, who went into the area. One of the things <br />that happened several times, with more than one consultant, was <br />that they felt we ought to tear down everything in that area and <br />redevelop it into a new neighborhood. Over a period of time, the <br />insignia of the Redevelopment Department has become a bulldozer <br />in the eyes of many people, and from the standpoint of just shear <br />economics of real estate development, it would be a lot easier to <br />'i[M <br />