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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />e. <br />Other questions followed which Mr. Crighton answered, and the <br />answers are summarized for the record: Two contractors bid on <br />the house in question. One of the stipulations for this rehabi- <br />lation program is that the tenant of the house must be the owner; <br />he must have insurance before he can be helped. As to whether <br />a land contract can be considered ownership, it is only when they <br />have added an amendment to the contract. The amendment is an <br />aspect to be used under the LaSalle Park Program, the Redevelop- <br />ment Code Enforcement Programs, and in essence becomes the fore- <br />closure period in the form of 30 days to 90 days, and it also <br />states that the seller has the title to that property. In other <br />words, we are not dealing with someone who is buying the house <br />on land contract, or someone who is also buying other houses on <br />land contracts. We cannot help tenants under this Program--that <br />would come under the Substandard Building Department. Under the <br />Southeast Community Development Program, the owner must be living <br />in the house. Mr. Caesar asked if the house can be rented after <br />it is rehabilitated, and Mr. Crighton answered in the affirmative. <br />Mr. Wiggins again made the motion <br />tions of the Advisory Committee. <br />tion and it was carried. <br />Rehabilitation <br />that we accept the recommenda- <br />Mr. Donaldson seconded the mo- <br />recommenaations OT the ,)ouzneasz Auvisury wm11ii LLe <br />approval was requested to conditionally award the <br />tracts to Newbill Construction Company, subject to <br />Legal Counsel approval: <br />Contract No. <br />Address <br />Amount <br />ll /SECD <br />213 E. <br />Calvert St. <br />$1,993.00 <br />12 /SECD <br />1816 S. <br />Carroll St. <br />3,347.00 <br />15 /SECD <br />721 E. <br />Broadway St. <br />4,561.00 <br />18 /SECD <br />506 E. <br />Broadway St. <br />4,884.00 <br />ogram: Ner <br />e, Commission <br />following con - <br />Commission <br />Brownell advised Newbill Construction Company was the low <br />bidder on each of the above four contracts. The bid tabula- <br />tion was included in the packets. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Donaldson and <br />carried, to award the above contracts as noted. <br />Mr. Crighton requested the motion to contain additional wording <br />to show that it is a "conditional award." The Newbill Construc- <br />tion Company is a new contractor bidding on this type of work, <br />and the motion should contain that if the Newbill Construction <br />Company cannot comply with the contract regulations that the <br />contract award should go to the next lowest bidder on the <br />contract. We have Newbill's bid bond. When the contract is <br />awarded, then the contractor files for a performance bond. The <br />- 12 - <br />REHABILI- <br />TATION <br />CONTRACT <br />NOS. <br />ll /SECD, <br />12 /SECD, <br />15 /SECD, & <br />18 /SECD <br />AWARDED CON - <br />TIONALLY, <br />E -7 <br />