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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Commissioner Robinson asked, "What is the only requirement for <br />these people bidding on these renovations of these single family <br />dwellings? Price only ?" Mr. Crighton advised that we accept the <br />lowest and best bidder. The best insofar as the contractor has <br />provided us with a bid bond, or certified check, in the amount <br />of 10% on the total he has bid on. If he is awarded the contract, <br />he must also provide us with a performance bond on the contracts. <br />Mr.,Butler added that if the contract is more than $5,000 it <br />needs to go before the City Council for approval; if the bid is <br />over $8,000 under the guidelines it is to be rejected. Commis- <br />sioner Wiggins added, possibly, in part, what Commissioner Robin- <br />son is concerned about here is whether or not these contractors <br />are, in fact, responsible and able to get the job done. Part <br />of this is.a lot of experience. In our initial expertence:we found <br />it took trying to find people who really wanted to do this kind <br />of work and there weren't too many. Since there has been a fair <br />volume over a period of time, there has been more interest in it. <br />He asked Mr. Crighton what his experience is in this regard con- <br />cerning the contracts. Mr. Crighton advised that he and his <br />staff have been working very hard for the past few months getting <br />additional contractors interested in bidding on these. In the <br />past, it was too burdensome and too time consuming, and the pay- <br />ments took too long to attract contractors to bid for this type <br />of work. He believed that through the changes in the Community <br />Development Program and through the changes the Redevelopment <br />Commission have come up with that we have attracted more con- <br />tractors. Commissioner Wiggins said that Keith Crighton's depart- <br />ment and the various inspectors attached to it, do ride herd on <br />the rehabilitation jobs to make sure that they are done properly <br />and in a proper sequence. <br />The motion was again made for the rejection of the above contracts, <br />which was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried. <br />d. Rehabilitation Contract Nos. ll /SECD, 12 /SECD,. 15 /SECD and <br />18 /SECD, in the Southeast Community Development Program: Fer <br />recommendations of tie Southeast Advisory Committee, Commission <br />approval was requested to award the following contracts, per bid <br />tabulation, to the low bidder, subject to approval by the South <br />Bend Common Council and Commission Legal Counsel: <br />Contract No. Address Amount Contractor <br />16 /SECD 623 E. Keasey St. $6,189.35 Combs Decorating <br />& Construction Co. <br />19 /SECD 409 E. Paris St. 7,900.00 Slatile Roofing <br />Sheet Metal <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Robinson and <br />carried, to award the above rehabilitation contracts, as noted, <br />subject to approval by the South Bend Common Council and Commission <br />Legal Counsel, and if approved by the Common Council, the President <br />and Secretary of the Redevelopment Commission be authorized to <br />execute said contracts. <br />REHABILI- <br />TATION <br />CONTRACT <br />NOS. <br />15 /SECD <br />19 /SECD <br />AWARDED, <br />E -7 <br />