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M <br />RESOLUTION NO. 509, COMMENDING REVEREND WILLIE V. WILLIAMS (Cont'd) <br />It was unanimously recommended by the Trustees that a resolution <br />be prepared and spread on the minutes commending Reverend Williams <br />for his devoted service to the people of the City of South Bend <br />during the past six (6) years as a Redevelopment Commissioner. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 509 <br />RESOLVED that the Board o6 TAurteu o6 the <br />Depa4tment o6 Redevelopment o6 the City o6 South Bend, <br />Indiana, aecept6 with AegAet the iotice 6.kom Reverend <br />Witti.e V. that he will not be available to <br />,seAve ass a Commuss.ioneA o6 the Depa&tment o6 R`edevelop- <br />menA during the year. 1975. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board og TAurteea <br />extends it,6 eongAatu atio" and appAeeiation to Re.veAend <br />WiU,ie V. W,iUiarnd 6o& his loyal, unzetGish, and devoted <br />,SeAviee to the people o(j the City o6 South Bend dwLing <br />the past six (6) yeaAz ass a Redevelopment Commizz .oneA. <br />The citizens o6 today and tomoAAOw aAe indebted to <br />Reverend WiU- ie V. W.ii. -iam�5 6oA s us unz el6ish civic <br />leadeAz h i.p. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Boand,00 TAUztees <br />Aequat6 the membeu o6 the Redevelopment Commizs.ion to <br />p,tovide an appkopn iate cc&emony at its next meeting com- <br />mending R ev eAend Witt ie V. Wi eiaw . <br />BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy o6 thiz Rezolu- <br />t.ion be spAead on the M.inutu o6 the Board o6 TAustees <br />a nd ' a copy b e - d-iz patched to R ev eAend W-c tt ie V. WiU -iam s <br />and the PAUL i.denLt o6 the Redevelopment Comm.c6 .6.ion. <br />Adopted thus 9th day o4'Deeemben, 1974, at the <br />South Bend Redevelopment TAurtees Annual Meeting, at <br />it6 06jiee located at 1200 County-City Buitding, 227 <br />West Je66vtzon Boutevand, South. Bend, Indiana. <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />REDEVELOPMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES <br />/ ,6/ MoAAiz L. Mo4jison <br />oAA-us L. o&vLVson, PAes.c ent <br />ATTEST: <br />/z/ W.i QQ,iam J. Richatcd6on <br />Wittiam J. RichaActson, Vice PAesti Ent <br />(SEAL) <br />- 4 - <br />