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IV. <br />V. <br />APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS (Cont'd) <br />2. JOHN E. CHENNEY <br />Motion was made by Mr. Kelly that Mr. John E. Chenney be <br />appointed for another term. Motion was seconded by Mr. <br />Welsheimer. All Trustees cast a vote of "AYE," with the <br />exception of Mr. William J. Richardson who abstained from <br />voting. Motion carried by majority vote. <br />3. B. L. WADE <br />Motion was made by Mr. Richardson that Mr. B. L. Wade be <br />appointed for another term. Motion was seconded by Mr. <br />Wertheimer and unanimously carried. <br />4. DONALD A. WIGGINS <br />Motion was made by Mr. Welsheimer that Mr. Donald A. <br />Wiggins be appointed for another term. Motion was se- <br />conded by Mr. Wertheimer and unanimously carried. <br />5. REPLACEMENT AND /OR RECOMMENDATIG ': FOR REVEREND WILLIAMS <br />Motion was made by Mr. Richardson that Mr. A. Peter <br />Donaldson be appointed as a Commissioner. <br />Mr. Richardson advised that Mr. Donaldson has served <br />on the Model Neighborhood Planning Agency and is now <br />a member of the Human Rights Commission and of the <br />Metropolitan Drug Abuse Council. He is employed by <br />the St. Joseph County Health Department. In talking <br />with Mr. Donaldson he advised that he would be inter- <br />ested in this type of work and said that he would be <br />more than happy to serve as a Commissioner of the <br />South Bend Redevelopment Commission, Department of <br />Redevelopment; for the calendar year, 1975. <br />Mr. Morrison advised he has served with Mr. Donaldson <br />on the Board and that Mr. Donaldson attended all meet- <br />ings faithfully and contributed much to the success of <br />the program. <br />The Chair asked if there are any other nominations. There be- <br />ing none, Mr. Kelly seconded Mr. Donaldson's appointment, and <br />the motion was unanimously carried. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 509, COMMENDING REVEREND WILLIE V. WILLIAMS <br />President Morrison stated that Reverend Willie V. Williams has <br />served faithfully and has been regularly attending all meet- <br />ings, and that he has been a credit to the Redevelopment Com- <br />mission. He performed his duties especially well, and it is <br />only at Reverend Williams' request that he was not re- <br />appointed. <br />- 3. - <br />