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5. %D BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />would be willing to look into that, but it would be at <br />additional compensation. <br />Mr. Butler asked if this is a matter of turning the systems <br />off and in the cleaning? Mr. Oesterling said he believes <br />there could be damage if we continue to operate as we have. <br />Mr. Butler asked if there is any indication of any damage? <br />Mr. Slabaugh said, "We will have to add muratic acid to <br />clean it up. The rewinding cost $106.00, and burned up <br />the motor." Mr. Oesterling recommended the tests be made <br />of the north and south areas and recommendations be made <br />for the problem of the pools. <br />As to assuming responsibility for the failure to have deter- <br />mined during the design phase the type of treatment that <br />should have been designed for it, Mr. Oesterling said he <br />didn't see how they could, unless the provision had been <br />provided. <br />Mr. Butler said there is some responsibility on the winding <br />of the pools, on Pool "B ", and the penney lodged in Pool <br />"D ", and apparently that is not the contractor's responsibi- <br />lity. The units- -per the engineers - -are installed according <br />to specifications and installed properly, and per Mr. Slabaugh <br />might have been a maintenance problem. The basic problems <br />are covered by the warranty. Legal Counsel's recommendation <br />was that the Commission release the $194,483.37 retainage <br />for payment, and that the 3% retainage will be sufficient <br />to cover any problems that may come before the members of <br />the Commission. The Commissioners agreed to the release <br />and payment of the 7% retainage. <br />Commission Legal Counsel, Mr. Kevin J. Butler, requested a <br />motion that the Commission has determined the project to be <br />substantially completed and the 7% retainage be paid to The <br />Hickey Company, as the contract calls for payment when the <br />project is substantially completed. Said motion was made <br />by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unanimously <br />carried, and the payment of the 7% retainage, in amount of <br />$194,483.37, was authorized. (A summary of the discussion <br />is shown above, under Item 3, Approval of Claims, as the <br />retainage amount is included in the total claims authorized <br />for payment.) <br />The Commissioners requested to find out what needs to be <br />done on the hard water to have the pools running, the <br />tests on the water (north and south) are to be taken, and <br />the recommendations to solve the problem brought before <br />the Commission. Mr. Slabaugh is awaiting the results from <br />the UNI -CHEM CORPORATION on the Analog Computer. <br />- 11 - <br />