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5. OLD BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />As the Commissioners did not write the specifications <br />and the question raised as to who is at fault and whether <br />it was the engineer who drew up the plan, Mr. Oesterling <br />said the firm who designed the mall was a joint venture, <br />with Clyde E. Williams & Associates and Environmental Plan- <br />ning & Design, from Pittsburgh, Pa. In designing the pools, <br />one of the involved plans and concerns was Kim Lighting, Inc. <br />Normally, in most cities, pools need chemical treating equip - <br />ment which work. They knew South Bend had rusty water and <br />it was suggested in the manual to use muratic acid. No water <br />test was taken. Using muratic acid causes additional problems <br />with the water being used in the pools, and Mr. Oesterling <br />said that has to be remedied and was not anticipated in the <br />design stage. Tests on the north end of South Bend and on <br />the south end of South Bend would involve different situa- <br />tions. <br />Mr. Deering of The Hickey Company said they have the re- <br />sponsibility for building the project in accordance with the <br />plans and specifications and the responsibility of correct- <br />ing any problems in the specifications. They have a mainte- <br />nance agreement and they will stand behind the work and their <br />guarantee. He requested the retainage be held at the 3% level, <br />$83,350.01, which will more than cover the minor correctional <br />problems on the pools. <br />At the last Commission meeting, Mr. Kevin J. Butler, Commission <br />Legal Counsel, advised that the Engineering Department was <br />given the responsibility to determine the cause and to esta- <br />blish the responsibility. Mr. Slabaugh established the 'cause, <br />but the responsibility has not been determined. Mr. Butler <br />said the engineering firm - -the joint venture - -also has a re- <br />sponsibility for checking these problems during the project. <br />His question directed to Mr. Oesterling as to whether The <br />Hickey Company is responsible for the problem,.Mr. Oesterling <br />said, "Certainly they are responsible for Pool "B ", which is <br />in operation at the present time (located at the old post <br />office building). On Pool "D ", it was his understanding in <br />talking with Mr. Daryl Graf, there was a short in the motor. <br />That is a mechanical problem and is covered by the warranty." <br />Mr. Zackrocki said that every one of these items covered now <br />is all a part of the maintenance period. No one has accepted <br />the Mall since the 4th of July and prior to that. <br />Mr. Oesterling said in trying to review the problems, the <br />rest of the problems the last two weeks was apparently due <br />to corrosion of the electrodes, and when they have to do this <br />to clean the electrodes, it must be taken out of operation. <br />Mr. Oesterling said prior to the last Commission meeting that <br />he attended, he was not aware of all these problems. <br />As to the responsibility with the problem caused by the hard <br />water, Mr. Oesterling said the joint venture has fulfilled <br />their contract in design, and the construction is The Hickey <br />Company's. Water treatment is not in their contract. They <br />- 10 - <br />