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7. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />. Lawson Associates Contract: Authorization was re- LAWSON ASSOCIATES <br />quest ad to enter into a contract with Lawson Associates for CONTRACT AUTHORIZED, <br />engin ering services for Block 6, Pedestrian Bridge and the R -66 <br />East lamp, in an amount not to exceed $36,400.00, subject <br />to Legal Counsel and HUD approval, R -66. <br />This item was discussed at length in the Executive Session <br />of this meeting with the public present. <br />Mr. Lennon advised that based on the $2.6 million grant re- <br />ceive , it specifically calls for $284,000.00 to be spent on <br />the d velopment of Block 6 as it relates to the master plan <br />for tie west bank of the St. Joseph River for the site im- <br />prove ents from Monroe Street to Jefferson, and $31,040.00 to <br />devel )p the Pedestrian Bridge and the East Ramp. <br />Mr, Dan Lawson outlined their proposal and advised the grant <br />would not include everything they had proposed in the master <br />plan. They would set up the contract to start construction <br />in the fall and do as much as they can with the budget avail - <br />able and will go into the design portion as though the entire <br />portion would be done and allow completion later as funds are <br />available. With the money expended it will be a greatly im- <br />proved area which will be acceptable but not complete. We are <br />approximately $60,000 short of doing everything in the master <br />plan; however, this can be completed later when funds are avail- <br />able through the Redevelopment Commission or the Park Board. <br />In r ference to President Helmen's question, there will be a <br />continuous guard rail, 42" high, treated timber. The details <br />of t e railing have not as yet been worked out, but it will be <br />all wood. The concept includes lighting in the railing itself <br />or as alternate on pole above railing. A study will be made <br />on t e aesthetics itself. Will also work on a concept to keep <br />the motorcycles off and the planking would be crossways. <br />President Helmen said the use of bicycles and motorcycles on <br />the Flaza would be a hazard to the pedestrians and this should <br />be prevented. Mr. Wiggins said if we make provisions to park <br />the ticycles this will help solve the problem the same as <br />maki g provisions to park cars downtown. <br />Mr., ene Evans advised there is an ordinance on record that <br />bicy les must be wheeled and not ridden in the downtown area. <br />He s ggested it be enforced. Mr. Lennon advised this will be <br />brou ht to the Plaza Authority's attention. <br />On m tion by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and unani- <br />mous y carried, authorization was approved to enter into a <br />cont act with Lawson Associates for engineering services, as <br />note above, in an amount not to exceed $36,400.00, subject <br />to L gal Counsel and HUD approval, R -66. <br />9LOM <br />