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5. OLD BOSINESS (Cont'd <br />Mr. Lennon advised the original request was for amount not to <br />exceed $16,000-00, which involved: If there would be 32 columns <br />with appro imately 360 cubic yards of reinforced concrete, it <br />would cost approximately $15,850.00 for removal. If there would <br />be only 16 of these 10' x 10' x 3' bases, the extra work was <br />anticipated to be approximately $7,925.00. <br />In checking with Associates Corporation of North America, the <br />proposed developer for the area, they advised they must have <br />the foundations and basements at least 15 feet depth and the <br />reinforced concrete could not remain. Mr. Lennon showed the <br />Commissioners photographs we had taken by our staff with the <br />types of qement shown blocking the base. <br />Mr. Lennon said we have asked Mr. Jackson to go back for an <br />actual walk- through and measurements have been taken. The <br />footings were made for a much taller building. Upon on -site <br />evaluatior and photographs, we now have a letter from Mr. <br />Jackson s bmitting his request for a $5,000 change order. <br />This buil ing was built in '46 - '47 and they were willing <br />to take a y types of materials they could get and the struc- <br />ture was uilt of material stronger than was needed. A well <br />was also found on the premises and floors one foot thick and <br />over. Basically, Mr. Lennon said, this is a reasonable re- <br />quest. <br />Discussion followed by the Commission whereby other demolition <br />contractors had requested additional sums and these requests <br />had been honored by the Commission. Mr. Lennon advised in <br />checking he files, some of the additional add -ons were Class <br />X materials, excavation on the Granada Theatre which the <br />Howell Co struction Company had, Ritschard's paid additional, <br />etc. There is no way of knowing what is underneath until it <br />is actually dug out. <br />Mr. Lennoq said, we as a staff feel $5,000.00 is a reasonable <br />request. It was $16,000.00 to begin with (day before the <br />prior Com ission meeting) add now actually measuring the <br />cement he is requesting permission for the change order to <br />be in the amount of $5,000.00. This is at the benefit of our <br />people going back, and even with the $5,000.00, Jackson Wreck- <br />ing Company is still below the other bidders, with the exception <br />of one. <br />President Helmen said we have no way of knowing - -the other bidders <br />would have been in with the same request. Rev. Williams said this <br />is the reason the Commission had requested the additional time to <br />find out what is going on. Mr. Wiggins asked, "Even if it is 32, <br />he will lake all out, that and the well pit 9' x 9' x 9' also <br />uncovere -- he knows about all these things, and for that he <br />will do t ?" Mr. Lennon requested Bill Slabaugh to answer Mr. <br />Wiggins' question. Mr. Slabaugh said, "According to Jackson's <br />letter, hat is what he said." <br />-4- <br />