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PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />d. E -6: This is in further reference to HUD letter <br />disc ssed above, under 5b. Communications. We have already <br />star ed inspections in-the Model Cities area. <br />e. R -57: Mr. Lennon advised that we will be closing <br />out his project the first of the year as anticipated. <br />In ' 4 we will not have any more inspection staff, with the <br />exce tion of our Chief Inspector. We must go back on a month - <br />to-m nth basis to inspect the homes. <br />f. Merry Avenue: The Merry Avenue Project is near com- <br />pletion. The Madison Scott matter will be finalized in a few <br />week . <br />Modelouth Cities is looking for developers for the approximate <br />7.66 acres in the Merry Avenue Project and for the addi- <br />tion 1 eight acres of land Model Cities has purchaed from <br />the Shore. <br />g. Staff Resignations: Mr. Lennon advised as part <br />of the termination of our 13 people last week for the be- <br />ginning of the year for the effective layoffs, we have <br />asked them to officially resign if they obtained work be- <br />fore the end of the year. We have successfully placed <br />four people and they have officially resigned: <br />Henry Sparazynski John Kouroubetis <br />LuElla Morrow J. J. Johnson <br />Othe positions will be evaluated if we have no funds. We <br />are in position to continue without any more staff reduc- <br />tions. <br />9. ISTAFF REPORTS <br />a Acquisition Status, NDP A -10: A written report <br />was submitted by Mr. William J. Parrish, Real Estate Officer: <br />MN #11: <br />Parcels to be purchased 35 <br />Purchased 20 <br />Options signed 2 <br />Condemnations 4 26 <br />Left to acquire 9 <br />SE #11: <br />Parcels to be purchased <br />70 <br />Purchased 14 <br />Options signed 10 <br />City owned 18 <br />Condemnation 2 44 26 <br />Total to acquire 20 - <br />E -6 PROJECT <br />R -57 PROJECT <br />MERRY AVENUE PROJECT <br />STAFF RESIGNATIONS <br />ACQUISITION STATUS, <br />NDP A -10 <br />