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Hel mi <br />Sul ti <br />greai <br />at ti <br />PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd) <br />2) Name the Mall: On the Mall entries, President "NAME THE MALL" <br />n said the entries that have been gathered by our con- ENTRIES <br />nt, Linder & Kerrihard Company, Inc., are exceedingly <br />er in volume that we had anticipated. He was amazed <br />e number of entries. <br />Mr. Finder said the entries submitted are on a wide range and <br />veryldiversified. It will be quite a job to tabulate. <br />3) Snow Removal on New Concrete in'the Mall: <br />Mr. Lennon advised the Commissioners of t e phone request we <br />received from our Mall Consultant, Mr. Ed Werley, Environ- <br />mental Planning and Design, on the status of snow removal and <br />deicing agents and damage that can result to the new concrete <br />on the Mall. He advised that on new concrete, salt or any <br />othey commercial deicing agents damage the new concrete. How- <br />ever, this will not be immediately apparent. It will be ap- <br />parent by delaminating and spalling next spring. The Hickey <br />Company is responsible for snow control this winter. The <br />merchants should be cautioned, admonished, directed, or <br />whatever the Commissioners and /or staff feel will be appro- <br />priate, that the merchants themselves do not place any deicing <br />agent on that concrete. <br />Mr. Lennon advised this is being stated publicly and will be <br />menti ned at the Downtown Council meeting this afternoon. <br />This vill further be discussed at the next construction meet- <br />ing T esday with the consultants and contractor. <br />Mr. Wade requested for Mr. Lennon to find out what can be used <br />so we are not involved in any litigation. Also Mr. Wiggins <br />reque ted to contact Phil Simonds as he had recommended various <br />chemi al agents that can be applied to any and all of these <br />surfa es to protect them from this type of problem. Mr. Lennon <br />said a will follow through on this this afternoon. <br />In response to President Helmen's question on how long it will <br />take o cure the cement, Bill Slabaugh advised at least one <br />winte -- spalling is a mechanical action. It will be more appar- <br />ent o6 the brown as the white aggregate will show thereon. <br />DIRECTIVE ON MALL <br />SNOW REMOVAL <br />c. A -10: Mr. Lennon advised the Benevelent Board of the A -10 PROJECT <br />Brethren Church met and the project for the Southeast side was <br />presented and approved by the Board authorizing the officers <br />to proceed with the project. <br />The City Council has approved the three -bay fire station, at a <br />construction cost of approximately $219,000, to be located at <br />Linder and Olive, utilizing approximately half of the site be- <br />ing cleared. The demolition contract awarded above under 7e <br />is to clear this area. Construction is anticipated for early <br />sprin . <br />