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advi <br />read <br />PROGRESS REPORTS (Coht'd <br />3) East River Bank Project Report: Mr. Lennon <br />d this is on our -Block 6 and this report will not be <br />for another two weeks. <br />Miss Sue Morrison gave a brief report and outlined the St. <br />Jose h River Corridor Study being prepared by Lawson Associates, <br />on b th the East and West side of the St. Joseph River. The <br />Commissioners will be receiving bound copies of the full -sized <br />report. South Bend may be included as one with a prototype <br />river development. <br />b. Mall: Mr. Lennon advised the hard surface is com- <br />plet d. We will be meeting with the representatives of the <br />HickEy Company and resident engineer to work out some of the <br />problems. <br />1) Sculpture Report: Mr. Bauer advised we have re- <br />ceiv d good response from the local artists. The Committee <br />dist ibuted over 80 sets of contest rules and have received <br />entr forms from 47. Artists will make submitting two or three <br />models. <br />The Sculptural Committee is narrowed down to eight people <br />available for the January date. For judges, we have received <br />three positive responses and one negative. Our consultant will <br />also be there. <br />Because of the large number of young artist - sculptors who will <br />enter the competition, the committee is also recommending that <br />three additional design awards of $250.00 each be given to <br />encourage the beginner sculptors, whose portfolio and expertise <br />will not be judged worthy of one of the winning commissions. <br />Subje t to Redevelopment Commissioners approval, the Sculpture <br />Commi tee hereby requests that these monies come out of the <br />Admin- stration Overage Fund to reward the young artists -- the <br />overa a fund of $9,000 left out of the original $30,000 Com- <br />missi n entertained for the total award. <br />Mr. Lannon requested the Commissioners hold January 24, 1974 <br />open For at least a portion of the day. A letter will be forth- <br />cominj to this effect. The judging will be at the Ball Room, <br />in th2 Indiana Club which we will be renting. <br />In an <br />initi <br />purpo <br />downt <br />of on <br />fund <br />ether development, the South Bend Chamber of Commerce is <br />ting a William R. Rasmussen Memorial Fund for the express <br />e of establishing a fitting sculptural memorial in the <br />iwn mall to call public attention to the untiring efforts <br />! of our City's most dedicated leaders. This sculptural <br />,ill be directed by the Chamber of Commerce. <br />EAST RIVER BANK <br />PROJECT REPORT <br />SCULPTURE REPORT <br />WILLIAM R. RASMUSSEN <br />MEMORIAL FUND <br />