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7. <br />was <br />f rom <br />Janu <br />empl <br />the <br />auth <br />fere <br />EW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />m. Madison, Wisconsin Conference: Authorization <br />equested to send one of our employees and two others <br />Model Cities to a Conference at Madison, Wisconsin, <br />ry 6 to 9, 1974. The cost will only be for one <br />yee and the expenses will be shared for travel with <br />odel Cities employees. Mr. Lennon suggested we be <br />rized to have our Mr. Bill Ellison attend the Con- <br />On m tion by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and <br />unanimously carried, Mr. Ellison was authorized to attend <br />this Conference. <br />8. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a. <br />1) Cano y signs, facades, signature signs and other <br />graphics: The sign Committee met on November 30, 1973, in <br />the Department of Redevelopment, to discuss under canopy sign <br />work proposed for the Pedestrian Way. There was a concern by <br />the downtown merchants as to how they can use this space <br />and the lack of sign criteria. Our Mall consultant suggested <br />the sign space be informational only and not be commercially <br />sponsored. Revised drawings are to be submitted this <br />week for final review. The sign boxes are being fabricated <br />in Pittsburgh utilizing a patented metal extrusion. It was <br />suggested the sign box be one continuous face with no frame <br />dividers allowing more freedom in signs, especially larger <br />stores requiring continuous signage. <br />It was suggested that merchant /retailers be contacted as <br />they are affected to fully incorporate their needs and their <br />advice towards this signage. <br />2) Wyman Property: Mr. Edwin R. Bauer, Assistant <br />Director of Planning had submitted a detailed report on the <br />inspection of�the Wyman property. On December 3rd, met <br />with iiembers representing the National Bank & Trust Company, <br />their architect, Mr. L. Lattin Smith, A.I.A., and the Sollitt <br />Construction Company, Rollin Farrand, Charles F. Lennon, Jr. <br />and EJ Bauer. A four-page inspection report and an illus- <br />trate six -page set of plans were reviewed to determine the <br />sound ess of the Wyman Building, which had been extensively <br />damaged in the gas explosion of October 17, 1973. Mr. Bauer <br />said their professional opinion is that the building has <br />not been structurally damaged by the explosion and that <br />structurally it is in the same condition as it was 10 years <br />ago. <br />There is no urgency to question the safety of the total com- <br />plex s long as it is vacant. The heating plant has been <br />resto ed and there is no chance of freeze -up or building <br />colla se. <br />- 17 - <br />MADISON, WISCONSIN <br />CONFERENCE AUTHORIZEI <br />FOR ONE STAFF MEMBER <br />ATTENDANCE <br />CANOPY SIGNS, <br />FACADES, SIGNATURE <br />SIGNS & OTHER GRAPHIi <br />WYMAN PROPERTY <br />REPORT <br />