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7. <br />Mr. <br />two <br />in <br />pro <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont,'d) <br />_ennon advised they will be fastened on the buildings; <br />)etween the State Theatre and Penney's will be put <br />ie planter until that is installed. Lighting is a <br />lem downtown and we need this approval. <br />Mr, ade made the motion to approve the installation of <br />the above lighting, in amount of $840.00, seconded by Mr. <br />Wiggins and unanimously carried. <br />k. Lot Pavements: Authorization was requested to LOT PAVEMENTS <br />enter into contract with Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc., APPROVED, R -66 <br />for paving lots on the corner of Main and Jefferson for <br />the bus station and lots on Michigan and Washington for <br />parking, in amount not to exceed $18,334.00, R -66. <br />Mr. Lennon advised that we did receive two bids - -one from <br />Materials Handling and one from Rieth -Riley Construction <br />Co., Inc. Rieth -Riley was the low bidder to the specifica- <br />tion requirement. In essence we are saving a couple of <br />thousand of dollars. <br />We w l l be getting this cost out of the rental received, <br />whic will reduce this cost. <br />On m tion by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wade and unani- <br />mously carried, the President and Secretary were authorized <br />to e ter into a contract with Rieth -Riley Construction Co., <br />Inc., for paving the above, in amount not to exceed $18,334.00, <br />R -66 Project. <br />Theouth Bend Public Transportation Company would be anxious <br />to d velop something permanent if the funds were available. <br />1. Option Agreement: Approval was requested for <br />Option Agreement for Parcel No. 76 -13, at 136 East Paris <br />Street, in the NDP Project A -10, SE #1, for acquisition sum <br />of $825.00. <br />On m tion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams and unani- <br />mous y carried, the President was authorized to execute the <br />abov - stated Option Agreement. <br />Mr. Lennon advised the awarding of the demolition contract, <br />under 7e above, to Julius O'Neal Trucking Company, will <br />begin the first demolition in that area. Under Progress Re- <br />port a report will be given that we are moving very well <br />and will have something in the spring. <br />Mr. ( <br />Liai! <br />were <br />onrad Damian, in the audience, our Neighborhood /City <br />on worker for the Southeast Side PAC, advised things <br />moving satisfactorily. <br />- 16 - <br />OPTION AGREEMENT <br />APPROVED, PARCEL <br />NO. 76 -13, A -10, <br />SE #1 <br />