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7. <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Question raised by Commission on overruns and underruns, <br />Mr. Lennon advised we contract out with the City for <br />full-time engineers, our consultant engineers with <br />ClydE E. Williams & Associates and our own staff to <br />maintain control and oversee the work. Mr. Wiggins <br />said he felt this is adequately covered. <br />On m tion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams <br />and unanimously carried, Change Order No. 13 to Phase <br />I was approved for a decrease in contract amount of <br />$11, 14.32. This is the amended Final Estimate.No. 12. <br />h. Change Order No. 1 to Phase II -D: This contract is CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 <br />with Morse Electric Company, Inc. an the change order is TO PHASE II -D CON - <br />for an increase in contract amount of $6,225.68. This re- TRACT APPROVED, R -66 <br />quest transfers $5,110.88 out of Phase II -B, Contracts A & <br />B, a d places this amount in the Phase II -D Signalization <br />contract. Also approval was requested for $1,114.80 to <br />be m de for the installation of temporary signals at Wayne <br />and t. Joseph Streets. The two items total $6,225.68 and <br />will increase the Phase II -D contract from $173,781.63 to <br />$180.007.31 . <br />The Fhase <br />II -B deletion is the contract with Arco Engineer- <br />ing <br />onstruction Corporation. <br />On m <br />tion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mously <br />carried, Change Order No. 1 to Phase II -D Contract <br />with <br />Morse Electric Company, Inc. was approved for an in- <br />crea <br />e in contract amount of $6,225.68, with no change in <br />contract <br />time, R -66. <br />i. Demolition Contract No: l; Scattered Sites: Ex- <br />TIME EXTENSION <br />tension <br />of time was.requested for Julius 0 Neal rucking <br />APPROVED FOR DEMOLI- <br />Comp <br />ny, from August 31, 1973 to January 15, 1974, to <br />TION CONTRACT NO. 1, <br />comp <br />ete the work issued on Notices to Proceed Nos. land 2. <br />E -3, E -5 & R -57 <br />This <br />is the scattered site contract for Projects E -3, E -5 <br />and <br />-57. <br />Mr. L.ennon <br />advised that we requested Mr. O'Neal to do jobs <br />for us <br />downtown to keep things going which delayed this <br />contract. <br />It was at our request. <br />On motion <br />by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and <br />unanimously <br />carried, the extension of time was approved <br />for Julius <br />O'Neal Trucking Company, from August 31, 1973 <br />to January <br />15, 1974. <br />j. Temporary and Semi - Permanent Lighting: This is <br />LIGHTING INSTALLA- <br />a request <br />for the approval to install emporary and semi -per- <br />TION APPROVED, R -66 <br />mane <br />t lighting in the Service Drives named this morning <br />and also <br />in the alley south of the State Theatre, at a <br />cost <br />quoted by the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company, <br />in amount <br />of $840.00. The City will pay the cost for the <br />elec <br />ricity, but has no funds available for the installa- <br />tion <br />- 15 - <br />