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7. <br />Mr. <br />men <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />ggins asked Mr. Lennon if he had the power of appoint - <br />Mr. Lennon advised that Mr. Bill Rasmussen had been <br />recoiimended by the Downtown Council, and that we, as a <br />staff, were instructed to go back to the Commission with <br />the ouncil's recommendation now for the replacement of Bill <br />Rasmussen. <br />Rev. Williams said, "I am sick and tired of you making plans. <br />Why ring it to the Commissioners:" Mr. Lennon replied, "We <br />are 3taff serving at your pleasure. We do the ground work and <br />you an turn it down." Rev. Williams stated, "We were not con- <br />sult d about the Commission appointment either. This is the <br />prin iple of the thing." <br />Mr, ennon advised this is basically the concept of the Public <br />Disclosure Law (Burns 57- 601 -57 -606), as it relates to public <br />records and public proceedings, which was presented to the <br />Commissioners, Legal Counsel and Executive Director, by Ms. <br />Jeanie Derbeck, South Bend Tribune Reporter, in Commission <br />meeting of October 19, 1973. We have no executive sessions <br />as s ch and do not operate behind closed doors. These are <br />open sessions and the information is brought before the Com- <br />mission. This Commission and the Trustees have the right to <br />consider things. The decision of the Trustees was an open <br />meeting and thus available to the news media. The decision <br />was made openly before the Commissioners could be contacted. <br />There was no way they could get in touch with you five people. <br />As far as the Urban Review Committee, we were instructed to <br />get recommendations to have the power of appointment. <br />President Helmen said he agreed with Rev. Williams, but at the <br />same time he felt the replacement is very qualified, and the <br />recommendation be considered by the Commissioners. <br />Mr. henney said as an honor to him (Bill Rasmussen), why not <br />appo nt his son to take his place? Those are my feelings on <br />this <br />The eppointment was discussed further with Mr. Wiggins outlining <br />that the suggested replacement was recommended not only as an <br />interested citizen but also as a representative of the Downtown <br />Coun il. One in whom they have confidence and want as their re- <br />presentative, as well as being Vice President of Robertson's. <br />They are willing to have him represent the Council and we should <br />be a preciative of the Council's efforts to find someone. Presi- <br />dent Helmen said he knows Mr. Getsinger and recommends that we <br />acce t him. <br />The former motion is to be disregarded with subsequent motion <br />made by Mr. Wiggins to appoint Mr. Hubert Getsinger to the Urban <br />Design Review Committee. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Chenney <br />and carried. Rev. Williams said, "I go along with it, but I am <br />sick and tired of being a rubber stamp." <br />- 12 - <br />