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7. <br />A le- <br />of Ti <br />tary <br />Also <br />them <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />:ter will be forthcoming from the President of the Board <br />•ustees in which the Trustees had expressed a complimen- <br />citation be made to the current Board of Commissioners. <br />that due notice be given to the Commissioners advising <br />of their re- appointment -- by unanimous vote. <br />c. Experimental Housing Allowance Program: Commission- EXPERIMENTAL HOUSING <br />ers have received copies of this program prior for review. ALLOWANCE PROGRAM <br />Our communities are being considered for participation in <br />this experimental program that has a 10 -year funding commit- <br />ment from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. <br />Officials from the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- <br />ment are willing to present more of an in -depth review of <br />the program to all interested parties. Tentatively the date <br />of December 10, 1973 has been set aside, at 7:00 p.m., in <br />the 4th Floor Council Chambers of the County -City Building. <br />Mr. ennon extented an invitation to all to attend this meet- <br />ing nd to extend the invitation to other interested people <br />for more detailed explanation of the program. <br />No action is required on this item. <br />d. Urban Design Review Committee: Mr. Lennon explained <br />we now have a vacancy on this Committee due to the death of <br />Mr. William Rasmussen, who has served on the Committee since <br />its inception. This Committee was required by HUD guide- <br />lines and was established by the Redevelopment Commission <br />who elected members of design professions noted for their <br />experience in or contributions to the various aspects of <br />urbar design and to include experts in the fields of mer- <br />chan icing, advertising and the internal needs and arrange- <br />ment of major commercial buildings. <br />Mr. Lennon said any downtown interest in regards to buildings <br />and cevelopment must go before this Committee for approval, <br />and trought before the Commission for their approval or dis- <br />approval of the plan. <br />Bill Rasmussen had served faithfully and diligently. He had <br />joined with others in representing the Commission's interest <br />on our Committee. To keep the Committee intact we need to <br />select a replacement. The Executive Committee of the Down- <br />town South Bend Council had recommended Mr. Hubert Getsinger, <br />who is Vice President of the Downtown Council and Executive <br />Vice President of Robertson's,to replace Mr. Rasmussen. Mr. <br />Lennon said this would need action by the Commission. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and carried <br />that r. Hubert Getsinger be named to the Urban Design Review <br />Commi tee, as a replacement to the late Bill Rasmussen. <br />- 11 - <br />HUBERT GETSINGER <br />NAMED TO THE URBAN <br />DESIGN REVIEW <br />COMMITTEE <br />