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6. NIrW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Above motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. <br />Chenne� and unanimously carried. <br />c. Change Order No. 7 to Phase II -C: This Contract <br />is witi the Howell Construction Company, Inc., and Change Order <br />No. 7 is for an increase in contract amount of $1.0,368.76, <br />in Project Indiana R -66. This coordinates many problem areas <br />as well as decrease in the initial cost and increases. The two <br />decrea es are in the amounts of $3,814.40 and $1,400.00, total- <br />ling $ ,214.40. <br />This r fers to brick dry well problems and many of the unknowns <br />underg ound relating to the future development of Michigan <br />Street from Jefferson to Colfax. <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Rev. Williams and unani- <br />mously carried, Change Order No. 7 to Phase II -C, with Howell <br />Construction Company, Inc., was approved for an increase in <br />contract amount of $10,368.76. <br />CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 <br />TO PHASE II -C AP- <br />PROVED, R -66 <br />d. S. M. Dix Associates, Inc. Amendment to Contract: S. M. DIX ASSOCIATES, <br />Approval was requested for an amendment to the contract for INC. CONTRACT AMEND- <br />professional and technical services, with S. M. Dix Associates, MENT APPROVED, R -66 <br />Inc., for an increase in contract amount of $3,000.00, and ex- <br />tension of time for completion to be extended to June 30, <br />1974. <br />This c arge is an overrun on the contract for necessary <br />fixtur appraisal services involving the Dan Clark and several <br />other owntown parcels. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Wade and unanimously <br />carrie , the amendment to the contract with S. M. Dix Associ- <br />ates, �nc., was approved in amount and time noted above. <br />e. Commercial Lease for Parcel No. 8 -4: Approval was <br />requested for Commercial Lease with Of ice Engineers, Inc., <br />as Lessee, in monthly rental of $100.00, for Parcel No. 8 -4, <br />R -66. The rental will be on a month -to -month basis for <br />approximately six months. This is a fair rental price <br />for th§ structure to be used for storage. This is the <br />House t Fabrics building next to Hardy Shoes. These are <br />schedu d for demolition at a later date. <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and unani- <br />mously carried, the Commercial Lease with Office Engineers, <br />Inc., was approved at monthly rental of $100.00, as noted <br />above. <br />f <br />quisit <br />the Ne <br />COMMERCIAL LEASE <br />APPROVED, PARCEL NO. <br />8 -4, R -66 <br />Resolution No.. 471: This Resolution relates to ac- RESOLUTION NO. 471 <br />ion of property by condemnation for the following, in ADOPTED, A -10, MN #1 <br />ighborhood Development Project A -10, MN #1: PROJECT <br />IMM <br />