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6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Report concerning final inspection of Disposition CERTIFICATE OF COMPLE- <br />Parce No. 7-1 and authorization to execute the Certificate TION APPROVED FOR <br />of Completion for Royal Inns of America, Inc., R -66: Mr. EXECUTION, DISPOSITION <br />Lennor advised that we do have the completion report out- PARCEL NO. 7 -1, R -66 <br />linin the occupancy classification, the certificate of <br />occupancy, type of construction, exterior finish, a break <br />down f the main floor, the Jolly King Family Restaurant <br />havin a capacity for 166 diners and the Purple Jester Lounge <br />havin a capacity for 102 patrons. A breakdown was.shown• <br />of thE second through tenth floors. The site fully land- <br />scapec incorporates perimeter parking areas with divider <br />planter islands and outdoor lighting. The signage, taking full <br />advantage of traffic flow patterns, is accomplished by pylon <br />signs individual restaurant and lounge signs, and face - mounted <br />logo signs at ninth -floor level. <br />The c nstruction work is 100% complete, according to plans <br />and s ecifications and the facility is fully furnished and <br />equip red as originally designed. The business venture is <br />in its fourth month of operation and has fully met the <br />project standards set forth by the Redevelopment Commission. <br />Mr. Kevin J. Butler, Legal Counsel, requested Commission for <br />concurrence to authorize the execution of Certificate of. <br />Completion which also entails the return of the 10% security <br />deposit, in the amount of $42,075.40, to the redeveloper. <br />This ten completes the construction phase of this project. <br />This requires a motion to authorize the execution of the <br />Certificate of Completion by the President and Secretary, <br />and the return of the security deposit. <br />The ab ve motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. <br />Willia s and unanimously carried. <br />b. I.B.M. Building (Disposition Parcel No. 4 -7, Lot 49)- <br />Acquisition of Right-of-Way, R-66: This has to do with the <br />right-)f-way in St. Joseph Street. The easement from Western <br />to Wav a narrows. <br />Mr. Ke in J. Butler, Legal Counsel, requested Commission <br />authorization to correct the easement figure by 1.25 feet which <br />will allow the I.B.M. building to be 66' x 150'. At the pre- <br />sent time, they would only build the building 66' x 148.75. <br />It would be better to try to give them as much land as possible, <br />not ca sing any disruption. Clyde E. Williams & Associates, <br />our en ineering consultant, has advised this easement can be <br />corrected without any damage to the overall renewal plan - -re- <br />ducing the sidewalk from 16 feet to 14.75 feet. <br />Motion was requested by Legal Counsel to authorize the staff <br />to pre are whatever documents are necessary to correct the <br />above ituation and authorize the President and Secretary of <br />the Co mission to execute the documents. <br />I.B.M. BUILDING, <br />DISPOSITION PARCEL <br />NO. 4 -7, R -66 <br />