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4. COMMUNICATIONS (Cont'd <br />d. HUD letter dated November 2, 1973: This letter, MANPOWER UTILIZATION <br />over the signature of Joyce C. Rayford, Equal Opportunity REPORTS, PHASE III, <br />Assistant, requested additional information on the Monthly R -66 <br />Manpower Utilization Report, for Phase III, Ind. R -66 <br />Project, regarding subcontractors. <br />Mr. L�nnon advised Mr. Frank Alford, our EEO officer, has <br />respo ded to this request. <br />HUD letter dated November 3, 1973: This letter, <br />over he signature of r. Choice Edwards, Acting Director, <br />was r ceived with enclosed summarization of the demolition <br />requi ements and requests for wage determination to elimi- <br />nate roblems on what is required and when it is required <br />for the HUD Area Office. <br />HUD letter dated November 5, 1973: This letter, REHABILITATION LOAN <br />over the signature of Mr. Choice Edwards, Acting Director, & GRANT PROGRAMS <br />was addressed to the Honorable Jerry J. Miller, Mayor of REVIEWED <br />the C ty of South Bend, with copies to Messrs. Fred J. <br />Helme and Charles F. Lennon, Jr. <br />This letter refers to the recently completed review of the <br />rehab litation loan and grant programs as administered by <br />the South Bend Department of Redevelopment. This review <br />was conducted by the Area Office staff with the full cooper- <br />ation of the Executive Director, Mr. Charles F. Lennon, <br />Jr., nd his staff. This letter and the 14 -page report <br />has b en responded to in the November 14, 1973 reply <br />to Mr. Choice Edwards from Mr. Lennon. <br />All questions and concerns have been rectified and Mr. <br />Lennor stated that the responses will be certified as correct, <br />and that by- December 1, the self-approval status will be re- <br />instituted by the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- <br />ment. Copies of both correspondence were distributed to <br />the C mmissioners and to the Press. <br />All recommendations will be carried out and will be reported <br />back t the next Commission meeting. <br />. HUD letter dated November 5, 1973: This letter, HUD CONCURRENCE, <br />over the signature of Mr. Daniel B. Bowman, Assistant BECK'S LAKE SECONDARY <br />Director, Technical Services, advised HUD concurs in award- STORM WATER OUTLET <br />ing the contract for Beck's Lake Secondary Storm Water CONTRACT, R -57 <br />Outlet to H. DeWulf Mechanical Contractor, Inc., in amount <br />of $3 ,930.00, R -57 Project. <br />Wage Decision AP -659 with one modification will apply to <br />this Preconstruction Conference date will be <br />arranjontract. <br />ed. <br />