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3. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS (Cont'd <br />Hazel Scott, Dislocation Allowance <br />Hazel Scott, Relocation Claims <br />South Bend Housing, Hazel Scott, Rent <br />South Bend Housing, Virginia Bradford, Rent <br />South Bend Water Works, Virginia Bradford, Meter <br />URBAN REDEVELOPMENT FUND <br />$ 200.00 <br />265.00 <br />120.00 <br />82.00 <br />24.00 <br />Total 21,925.45 <br />Hattie Hurmon, Dislocation Allowance $ 200.00 <br />LaSal a Park Homes, Hattie Hurmon, Rent 112.00 <br />Bertha Newman 200.00 <br />Willie Wright 200.00 <br />Total 12.00 <br />URBAN REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CAPITAL FUND OF 1972 <br />The H ckey Company $ 179,811.00 <br />Total 1 9, 11.00 <br />GRAND TOTAL $ 924,899.60 <br />4. QOMMUNICATIONS <br />a. HUD letter dated October 30, 1973: This letter, MANPOWER UTILIZATION <br />over the signature 6f Joyce C. Rayford, Equal Opportunity REPORT, PHASE II -C, <br />Assistant, relates to the Monthly Manpower Utilization R -66 <br />Report. for Phase II -C, with the Howell Construction <br />Compa y, Inc., and the current workforce. <br />Howell has been notified of this and also that the kind of <br />opera or must be indicated under Column 6, Trade. This <br />has b en corrected. <br />b. HUD letter dated October 30, 1973: This letter, <br />over the signature of Mr. Harold E. Van Ornum, Acting <br />Assistant Regional Administrator for Community Develop- <br />ment, was received with the executed HUD Form 6205, <br />"Request for Consent to Transfer Funds," in amount of <br />$511,588.00, from the Sale of Land in the Downtown Project <br />to the Project Expenditure Account. This is to be attached <br />to the Loan and Grant Contract. <br />Mr. L nnon advised this has been concurred and approved <br />by HUD. <br />c. HUD letter dated October 31, 1973: This letter, <br />over tie signature of Mr. Richara A. Jacobsen, Financial <br />Manage ent Specialist, Community Development Office, con- <br />cerns ur sale of Project Notes for Indiana R -66 that mature <br />on Feb uary 1, 1974. Advertising for the new Project Notes <br />is Dec tuber 18, 1973. All documentation is to be received <br />in HUD Regional Office on or before November 13, 1973. <br />- 5 - <br />HUD 6205 APPROVED, <br />IND. R -66 (LG) <br />PROJECT LOAN NOTES, <br />IND. R -66 <br />