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7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />"Painting the Barricade Day" will be held Sunday, November <br />18, 1973, and the "Naming the Mall Contest" will open <br />November 26. The Executive Committee of the Downtown Council <br />and the Redevelopment Commissioners will select the ten (10) <br />best names for the Mall and submit these names to the Mayor with <br />their recommendations. <br />The S ulptural Report was given by Mr. Lennon and it included <br />the following totals: 49 applications and 27 entry blanks re- <br />ceived. <br />c. East River Bank Study: Mr. Lennon reported that the EAST RIVER BANK <br />project report is due on November 30, 1973, and unless STUDY <br />into printing problems, it will be presented at the next Com- <br />mission meeting. A meeting with the City Council will be re- <br />quested after the Redevelopment Commissioners review the re- <br />port. <br />d. Project A -10: In Model Cities the fire station con- PROJECT A -10 REPORT <br />struc ion was announced by Mayor Jerry J. Miller at a total <br />cost f approximately $220,000.00. It will be constructed <br />after the site is cleared. <br />In the Southeast Side, we are continuing our meetings with <br />the financial and architectural concerns involved in packaging <br />the o der adult high -rise project. <br />e. Project E -6: Mr. Lennon referred to the HUD letter PROJECT E -6 REPORT <br />and h s response of November 14 concerning the Model Cities <br />Code nforcement Project Area. He assured the Commission <br />that ur Department's response would be accepted by HUD and <br />that a would be able to begin again on December 1, 1973 <br />with 1he Project. We anticipate a formal letter from HUD <br />relea ing the funds by November 30, 1973. <br />Relocation Concern: Mr. Lennon shared his concern RELOCATION CONCERN <br />with he City Council cutback for relocation funds for City- <br />wide elocation displacees and informed the Commission that <br />he would report back any difficulties incurred by our Relo- <br />cation Department. <br />Mr. Lennon reminded the Commission that by State law, we are <br />required to pay certain fees and replacement housing costs <br />in ci cumstances that are dictated by State law. Mr. Lennon <br />wrote a letter to the Board of Safety concerning this fact <br />and a response has not yet been received. <br />g. Staff Reduction: Mr. Lennon informed the Redevelop- <br />ment Commission that because of the close -out of E -3, E -5 and <br />R -57 that five (5) classifications of employees of our Depart- <br />ment will be released from their positions on January 1, 1974- - <br />total ing 14 staff members. The classifications are: Secretary <br />I, Ho emakers, Financial Advisors and Inspectors, and all part- <br />- 11 - <br />