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(SEAL) <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />time Etaff. All were personally notified and also re- <br />ceive a letter (hand carried) and also a copy was <br />maile to their home stating the concern and the reason <br />for t rmination. Mr. Lennon also informed each member <br />that a and his staff will do all in their power to ob- <br />tain zdditional work for those having to leave our De- <br />partm nt. This was in full concurrence with the Re- <br />devel pment Commission. <br />Mr. Lennon reiterated to the Commission that the staff <br />was informed of these cutbacks on January 2, 1973, as well <br />as the general staff meetings in October and November, and <br />each staff member was requested to seek other employment <br />and that our Department would cooperate with them in every <br />way p ssible. <br />8. OTHER MATTERS <br />.Relocation Costs: Discussion was held on the <br />reloc tion costs and Mrs. Allen was provided with the <br />statu according to State law. <br />LaSalle Park Lots: Rev. Billy Kirk requested <br />information about buying one parcel of land next to his <br />Greater South Bend Housing Corporation office. Mr. <br />Lennoii advised him to meet with Mr. Bill Parrish and <br />work ut the details. This would not be a problem. <br />Mr. L nnon reminded the Commission that after close -out of <br />R -57 his land reverts back to the City and it is up to <br />the c negotiate on the sale of land. <br />Amplifier Request: It was requested that either <br />a por able PA system be established or that we move the <br />Confe ence table in a different position so that the <br />gener 1 community can hear the Commission meeting com- <br />plete y. Rev. Williams and Mr. Lennon concurred and <br />arran ements will be made for the next meeting to re- <br />arran a the table. If this does not work out, a public <br />addre s system can be secured. <br />9. NEXT MEETING <br />he next meeting of the Redevelopment Commission will <br />be at 10:30 a.m., Friday, December 7, 1973, in the Office of <br />the Department of Redevelopment. <br />10. ADJOURNMENT <br />n motion duly made and passed by Mr <br />by Re illiams and carried, the meeting <br />12 - <br />Ch s F. Le Jr., xec. Dir. - <br />RELOCATION COSTS <br />LASALLE PARK LOTS, <br />R -57 <br />AMPLIFIER REQUEST <br />NEXT MEETING, <br />DECEMBER 7, 1973 <br />Wade, seconded ADJOURNMENT <br />adjourned at 11.20 <br />Fred-J Helme President <br />